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单词 valedictorian
释义  Related topics: Schoolval·e·dic·to·ri·an /ˌvælədɪkˈtɔːriən/ noun [countable] American English  SESthe student who has received the best marks all the way through school, and who usually makes a speech at the graduation ceremony 致告别词的毕业生代表〔通常为成绩最优秀者〕Examples from the Corpusvaledictorian• Eventually, however, she worked it out, as children usually do, and graduated from high school as class valedictorian.• That was the year Charlene Holm made valedictorian.• My archrival, who was valedictorian after our neck-and-neck race for the top, taught me a lot of lessons.val·e·dic·to·ri·an nounChineseSyllable  the Corpus student best who received has the




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