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单词 uproot
释义  Related topics: Gardeningup·root /ʌpˈruːt/ verb  1. DLG[transitive] to pull a plant and its roots out of the ground 把〔植物〕连根拔起2  LEAVE YOUR HOME/COUNTRY[intransitive, transitive] to make someone leave their home for a new place, especially when this is difficult or upsetting 使〔某人〕迁移到他处居住〔尤在此举会造成困难或令人苦恼时使用〕 He rejected the idea of uprooting himself and moving to America. 他放弃了迁居美国的想法。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusuproot• He was born in Kalandya in 1956, two years after his parents were uprooted from a farm village west of Jerusalem.• In 1854, my grandfather decided to uproot his family and move to Los Angeles.• A further practice of goldfish is their digging habits, which will soon uproot plants.• The great dislocation and uprooting that this seismic shift entails have had at least two results.• The trunk is powerful enough to uproot trees or tear great limbs from their upper branches.up·root verbChineseSyllable   Corpus roots plant and of a pull to its out




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