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单词 upright piano
释义  Related topics: Musicˌupright piˈano noun [countable]  APMa piano with strings that are in a vertical position 竖[立]式钢琴 → grand piano →5 see picture at 见图 piano1Examples from the Corpusupright piano• The room contained two hard chairs, a desk and an upright piano.• There was an upright piano and a piano bench.• There was an upright piano in the far corner with a row of framed photographs on top.• An upright piano stood against one wall, a row of framed photographs on top of it.• So was the upright piano, that is, it would be when I finished paying for it.ˌupright piˈano nounChineseSyllable  a position with vertical are that strings piano Corpus a in




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