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单词 upper class
释义  ˌupper ˈclass ●○○ noun [singular] (also upper classes [plural])  SSCLASS IN SOCIETYthe group of people who belong to the highest social class 上流社会,上层社会,上等阶层 —upper-class adjective upper-class families 上等阶层家庭n GRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?• The upper class is usually followed by a singular verb: The upper class doesn’t want the system to change.• In British English, you can also use a plural verb: The upper class don’t want the system to change.Examples from the Corpusupper class• Constraints on upper class power Scott clearly attributes considerable power to the upper classes in modern Britain.ˌupper ˈclass noun →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  social who class to highest Corpus the the belong people of group




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