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单词 up
释义 Word family  noun liveliness living livelihood adjective live lively living liveable verb live outlive relive liven up adverb live  Related topics: Geography, Computersup1 /ʌp/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb, preposition, adjective  1  UPto a higher position 朝更高的位置 towards a higher place or position 从下往上地,向上地 OPP down We walked slowly up the hill. 我们慢慢地爬上山。 She picked her jacket up off the floor. 她从地板上捡起外套。 paths leading up into the mountains 通往山里的小径 Tim had climbed up a tree to get a better view. 蒂姆爬到了树上,以便看得更清楚。 Put up your hand if you know the answer. 如果知道答案就举手。 The water was getting up my nose. 水已经没到了我的鼻子。 Karen lay on her back, staring up at the ceiling. 卡伦仰卧着,盯着天花板。2  UPin a higher position 在较高的位置 in a higher place or position 在上面,在高处 OPP down John’s up in his bedroom. 约翰在楼上他的卧室里。 a plane flying 30,000 feet up 在三万英尺高空飞行的飞机 Her office is just up those stairs. 她的办公室就在那段楼梯上面。 The doctor’s assistant was up a ladder in the stockroom. 医生的助手正在储藏室的梯子上。3  VERTICALto be upright 处于直立的位置 into an upright or raised position 竖起;直立;起来 Everyone stood up for the national anthem. 全体起立,奏国歌。 Mick turned his collar up against the biting winds. 米克竖起衣领抵挡刺骨的寒风。4  along 沿着 in or to a place that is further along something such as a road or path 在[向]…的较远处 SYN down She lives just up the street. 她就住在这条街的前面。 We walked up the road towards the church. 我们沿着那条路向教堂走去。5  SGnorth 北 in or towards the north 在北方;向北 They live up north. 他们住在北部。 We’re driving up to Chicago for the conference. 我们正驾车北上芝加哥参加会议。 a stormy voyage up the east coast from Miami to Boston 沿东海岸从迈阿密到波士顿的一段颠簸的航程6  NEARclose 接近 very close to someone or something 靠近,上来 A man came up and offered to buy him a drink. 一名男子走上前来说要请他喝一杯。up to She drove right up to the front door. 她把车一直开到前门口。up against The bed was up against the wall. 床紧靠着墙。7  to more important place 到更重要的地方 used to show that the place someone goes to is more important than the place they start from 上,到〔更重要的地方〕 Have you been up to London recently? 你最近去过伦敦吗?8  river 河 towards the place where a river starts 向〔河流的源头〕 OPP down sailing up the Thames 溯泰晤士河而上 The river steamers only went up as far as Mandalay. 内河汽船最远只开到上游的曼德勒。9  INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNTmore 更高,更多 at or towards a higher level or a greater amount 在,向〔更高水平或更多数量〕 OPP down Turn up the radio. 把收音机音量调高。 Violent crime went up by 9% last year. 去年暴力犯罪率增加了9%。 Inflation is up by 2%. 通货膨胀率上升了 2%。up on Profits are up on last year. 利润比去年增加了。 RegisterIn written English, people often prefer to use rise rather than be/go up, because it sounds more formal: 在书面英语中,人们通常说 rise,因其听起来更正式,而不说 be/go upViolent crime rose by 9% last year. 去年暴力犯罪率上升了9%。10  winning 获胜 British English beating your opponent by a certain number of points 领先于〔对手〕 OPP downtwo goals up/three points up etc United were a goal up at half time. 半场时联队领先一球。11  not in bed 没睡觉,起床 not in bed 不在床上 Are the kids still up? 孩子们还没睡吗? They stayed up all night to watch the game. 他们整晚没睡看比赛。 It’s time to get up (=get out of bed). 该起床了。 It’s good to see you up and about again (=out of bed after an illness and moving around normally). 看到你又能起床活动真是太好了。12  FINISH/COME TO AN ENDfinishing 完成 used after certain verbs to show that something is completely finished, used, or removed 〔用于某些动词后表示彻底完结、用完或除去〕 We’ve used up all our savings. 我们把积蓄都花光了。 The children had to eat up all their food. 孩子们得把饭菜全部吃完。 After a month, the wound had almost healed up. 一个月后,伤口差不多愈合了。13  PIECEPARTcutting/dividing 切割/分成 used after certain verbs to show that something is cut, broken etc into pieces or divided into parts 〔用于某些动词之后表示成为碎片或分成几部分〕 Why did you tear up that letter? 你为什么把那封信撕掉? We still haven’t decided how to divide up the money. 我们还是没有决定怎么分这笔钱。14  TOGETHERcollecting 聚拢,收集 used after certain verbs to show that things are collected together 〔用于某些动词之后表示合在一起〕 Let’s just add up these figures quickly. 我们快把这些数字加起来吧。 Could you collect up the papers? 你把试卷收一下好吗?15  TOPpart on top 顶部 used to say which surface or part of an object should be on top 〔物体的部位〕朝上 Put the playing cards right side up. 把纸牌正面朝上放。 Isn’t that painting the wrong way up? 那幅画是不是放颠倒了?16  ABOVEabove a level 高于某一水平 above and including a certain level, age, or amount 在…及以上〔指水平、年龄或数量〕 All the women were naked from the waist up. 所有的女人都赤裸着上身。 Children aged 12 and up must pay the full fare. 12岁及以上儿童需购买全票。17  up and down a) BACK/BACKWARDSbackwards and forwards 来来回回,往返地 Ralph paced up and down the room, looking worried. 拉尔夫在屋里踱来踱去,显得焦虑不安。 b) if someone is up and down, they sometimes feel well or happy and sometimes do not 〔心情〕时好时坏的 Jason’s been very up and down since his girlfriend left him. 自从女朋友离他而去后,贾森的情绪一直波动很大。 c) UPto a higher position and then a lower position, several times 起伏,上下波动 They were all jumping up and down and screaming excitedly. 他们都又蹦又跳,兴奋地尖叫着。 Shivers ran up and down my body. 我浑身哆嗦。look somebody up and down (=look at someone in order to judge their appearance or character) 打量某人 Maisie looked her rival up and down with a critical eye. 梅茜用挑剔的目光打量对手。18  up to something a) INCLUDEas much or as many as a certain amount or number but not more 〔数量或数目〕多达;至多 The Olympic Stadium will hold up to 80,000 spectators. 奥林匹克体育场将可容纳多达八万名观众。 a process that can take anything up to ten days 可能需要长达十天的一个过程 b) UNTIL (also up till) for the whole of a period until a certain time or date 直到〔某个时刻或日期〕 She continued to care for her father up to the time of his death. 她一直照顾父亲直到他去世。 We’ve kept our meetings secret up to now. 直到现在我们的会议都是保密的。 c) GOOD ENOUGH[in questions and negatives] clever, good, or well enough to do something 胜任;有资格做;适于〔做某事〕 I’m afraid Tim just isn’t up to the job (=he does not have the necessary ability). 蒂姆怕是干不了这份工作。 You don’t need to go back to school if you don’t feel up to it. 要是你觉得身体还不是很好的话,就不一定要回去上学。up to doing something He’s not really up to seeing any visitors. 他的身体状况不太适合见客。 d) GOOD ENOUGHif something is up to a particular standard, it is good enough to reach that standard 达到某个标准 I didn’t think last night’s performance was up to her usual standard. 我觉得她昨晚的演出没有达到她的正常水平。 e) DO spoken doing something secret or something that you should not be doing 正在做〔秘密或不该做的事〕 The children are very quiet. I wonder what they’re up to. 孩子们很安静,我不知道他们在搞什么鬼。 He knew Bailey was up to something. But what? 他知道贝利在偷偷地干着什么,可又是什么呢? I always suspected that he was up to no good (=doing something bad). 我一直怀疑他在干什么不好的勾当。19  be up to somebody a) DECIDEused to say that someone can decide about something 由某人决定 You can pay weekly or monthly – it’s up to you. 你可以每周或者每月付一次款,你自己决定。 b) used to say that someone is responsible for a particular duty 是某人的义务 It’s up to the travel companies to warn customers of any possible dangers. 旅游公司有义务预先告知顾客任何可能的危险。20  FINISH/COME TO AN ENDfinished time 结束的时间 if a period of time is up, it is finished 〔一段时间〕已结束,已过去 I’m sorry, we’ll have to stop there. Our time is up. 抱歉,我们必须停下了,时间到了。21. TTRroad repairs 道路整修 if a road is up, its surface is being repaired 〔路面〕在整修22  TDcomputer 计算机 if a computer system is up, it is working 运行中 OPP down There could well be a few problems before your new computer is up and running properly. 新电脑正常运行之前出现一些问题是完全有可能的。23  up against something/somebody DEAL WITHhaving to deal with a difficult situation or opponent 必须应对某事/某人 He came up against a lot of problems with his boss. 他和老板之间有很多问题。 Murphy will be really up against it when he faces the champion this afternoon. 墨菲今天下午和冠军交锋,可有一场硬仗要打了。24  up for something a) INTENDavailable for a particular process 用于… The house is up for sale. 此房出售。 This week 14 of Campbell’s paintings were put up for auction. 本周有14 幅坎贝尔的画被拍卖。 Even the most taboo subjects were up for discussion. 连最忌讳的话题也拿出来讨论了。 b) being considered for election or for a job 被考虑,被提名〔当候选人,做某一工作等〕 Senator Frank Church was coming up for re-election that year. 那一年参议员弗兰克·丘奇被提名竞选连任。 She is one of five candidates up for the chief executive’s job. 她是总经理职位的五位候选人之一。 c) GO TO/ATTENDSCTappearing in a court of law because you have been accused of a crime 出庭受审 Ron’s up for drinking and driving next week. 罗恩因酒后驾车将于下周出庭受审。 d) spoken willing to do something or interested in doing something 愿意做某事;对某事感兴趣 We’re going to the pub later – are you up for it? 我们等一会儿要去酒吧,你愿意来吗?25  something is up spokenPROBLEM if something is up, someone is feeling unhappy because they have problems, or there is something wrong in a situation 发生了某事,出了什么事 I could tell by the look on his face that something was up. 看他的脸色我就知道出事了。something is up with Is something up with Julie? She looks really miserable. 朱莉怎么了?她看上去愁眉苦脸的。what’s up? What’s up? Why are you crying? 怎么了?你怎么在哭?26  be well up in/on something  (also be up on something American English) informal to know a lot about something 非常熟悉某事;精通某事 I’m not all that well up in musical matters. 音乐方面我不太懂。 Conrad’s really up on his geography, isn’t he? 康拉德地理学得非常好,是吗?27  be up before something/somebody informalSCT to appear in a court of law because you have been accused of a crime 出庭受审 He was up before the magistrates’ court charged with dangerous driving. 他以危险驾驶罪被起诉,在地方治安法庭受审。28  be up to here British English (also have had it up to here) spokenFED UP to be very upset and angry because of a particular situation or person 感到非常气愤be up to here with I’m up to here with this job; I’m resigning! 这份工作我受够了,我要辞职!29. up the workers!/up the reds! etc British English spokenSUPPORT A PERSON, GROUP, OR PLANSUPPORT A TEAM OR PLAYER used to express support and encouragement for a particular group of people or for a sports team 工人们加油!/红队加油!等30  up yours! spoken not politeINSULT used as a very rude and offensive reply to someone who has said something that annoys you 去你的!‘You’re not allowed to park here.’ ‘Up yours, mate!’ “你不能在这里停车。” “去你的,伙计!”31. somebody is (so) up himself/herself etc informal if you say that someone is up himself or up herself, you mean that they pay too much attention to themselves and what they do or what they look like – used to show disapproval 某人只有他自己/她自己等;某人很自我〔含贬义〕 → not be up to much at much2(8)Examples from the Corpusup• Larry's hair was sticking straight up.• Make sure this side of the box is facing up.• The helicopter hovered up above us.• He came right up and asked my name.• Caroline looked up and laughed.• I picked up as many of the beads as I could find.• The boy turned and stared up at her.• Everyone stood up for the national anthem.• "Where is Alex?" "He's up in his room."• He was pointing his rifle straight up in the air.• I found some old pictures of my mother up in the attic.• My cousins live up north.• Put the picture higher up on the wall.• Darryl climbed up onto the roof.• Elaine brought up the issue of childcare.• Let's cover up the machinery just in case it rains.• Are you able to see up there or do you need a flashlight?• Let's just add up these figures quickly.• I walked up to the counter and demanded my money back.• The closet's completely filled up with all Mia's old clothes.up on• Profits are up on last year.up and about• And counting down. 11.59 High upon the roof of the Butcher Building the boy Jonathan was up and about.• I heard you up and about.• Then he would be up and about, able to apply himself to unfinished business.• He was up and about and shouting at all and sundry.• You probably felt it today because you were up and about at the doctor's.• He likes to be up and about, moving from one place, to another, doing things.• My grandmother thought that when her daughter was up and about she would have to part from the baby.• Somebody out there has thought about of lot of the situations that can come up and about ways to handle them.and up• The movie is appropriate for children twelve and up.• Often in olden days would I be lifted up, and up, and up, for the sake of my plays.• They watched it fly up and up, gliding over the sea.• We dragged ourselves up the wide, eroded mess of a path that leads to Ben Lawers and up into the storm.• It was then I started doing this form of meditation, walking around the hill and up it.• Each summer, the ferns had grown through and up over the twigs.• Again the enemy pushes through the meadow and up the hill, and the battle is renewed.• She threw the chips into the sand for the predators, and upped the speed.• We reached the muddy cobbles of the city, going through Bowyers Row and up towards Cripplegate.up and running• Our new factory in Belize is finally up and running.• In the event, the coal crisis didn't materialize, but nuclear power was by that time up and running.• Disruption was minimal with the backing plant up and running again in time for the factory re-opening.• We provide the support to get customers up and running and allow their system to operate over the Internet.• Weather permitting, the telescope could be up and running as early as 1998, he said.• Hopefully, the telescope will be up and running as early as next year.• Joseph says the black advocacy project is unlikely to be up and running before next year.• Once the bank is up and running, children learn how to deal with people and develop working relationships with each other.• The ad says the computer can be up and running in less than an hour.• The Capital Area Training Foundation has had more difficulty getting school-to-work initiatives up and running in other industries.• Once the tank is up and running water quality should be maintained by regular partial water changes of 20-30% each week.up2 noun  1  ups and downs informalPROBLEM the mixture of good and bad experiences that happen in any situation or relationship 盛衰;浮沉;苦乐 We have our ups and downs like all couples. 我们的关系也有起落,跟所有的夫妻一样。2  be on the up British English spoken to be improving or increasing 正在好转[增加] Business confidence is on the up. 商业信心正在提高。3  be on the up and up a) British English informalSUCCESSFUL to be becoming more successful 变得更加成功 a brilliant young player who is on the up and up 事业蒸蒸日上的一名杰出的年轻球员 b) American English spokenHONEST if a person or business is on the up and up, they are honest and do things legally 〔人或企业〕诚实守法up3 verb (upped, upping)  1  INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT[transitive] to increase the amount or level of something 提高;增加 They’ve upped their offer by 5%. 他们把出价提高了 5%。2  up and do something SUDDENLYto suddenly do something different or surprising 突然做〔某事〕 Without saying another word, he upped and left. 他二话不说,突然就走了。 → up the ante at ante1, → up sticks at stick2(12)→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusup• We upped periscope, identified it, then downed periscope.• After the families of the two men were contacted, the ransom was upped to $ 1 million.up- /ʌp/ prefix  1  UPmaking something higher 使升级,使更高 to upgrade a job (=make it higher in importance) 提高一个工作的重要性2  [especially in adverbs and adjectives]TOP at or towards the top or beginning of something 在[向]…高处[源头](的) uphill 上坡的;往上坡 upriver (=nearer to where the river starts) 在上游;向上游3  [especially in verbs]TURNTAKE something FROM SOMEWHERE taking something from its place or turning it upside down 使起来〔离开原位〕;使颠倒 an uprooted tree 被连根拔起的树 She upended the bucket. 她把水桶倒过来。4  [especially in adjectives and adverbs]BETTER at or towards the higher or better part of something 在[向]更高之处(的);在[向]更好之处(的) upmarket (=attracting richer people) 高端市场的 → down-Examples from the Corpusup-• climbing uphill• sailing upriverFrom Longman Business Dictionaryupup /ʌp/ adverb if a computer, machine etc is up, it is working normally and not brokenIs the network up now? → opposite down1up1 adverb →10-19 →20-31 →REGISTER1up2 nounup3 verbup- prefixChinese  position Business higher place a or Corpus towards




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