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单词 untutored
释义  un·tu·tored /ʌnˈtjuːtəd $ -ˈtuːtərd/ adjective formal  not having been taught to do something 未受过训练的,未经正规教育的 SYN untrainedto the untutored eye/ear/mind To the untutored ear, this music sounds as if it might have been written by Beethoven. 在外行人听来,这曲子似乎是贝多芬写的。Examples from the Corpusuntutored• And I must admit that Mary Shelley began the rumour; but she had to make her impression on an untutored audience.• Andrew was not going to accept rebuke or defeat from this untutored beauty.• Yes, I know a large chunk of the child population today is virtually feral, untended and untutored by responsible parents.• Yvonne's wearing a little black number that to my untutored eye looks like it could have cost ten quid or a thousand.• Modern art is directed at a public largely untutored in the fine arts amidst a rapid expansion of the means of communication.• The notion of transparent reporting which can be understood by the untutored layman is a chimera.un·tu·tored adjectiveChineseSyllable  something been having to not do taught Corpus




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