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单词 unsympathetic
释义 Word family  noun sympathy sympathizer adjective sympathetic ≠ unsympathetic verb sympathize adverb sympathetically  un·sym·pa·thet·ic /ˌʌnsɪmpəˈθetɪk/ adjective  1. not kind or helpful to someone who is having problems 无同情心的,冷漠的,不同情的► see thesaurus at unkind2  not willing to support an idea, aim etc 不支持的,不赞同的unsympathetic to/towards a government that’s unsympathetic to public opinion 不体恤民意的政府3  an unsympathetic person in a book or play is unpleasant and difficult to like 〔书或戏剧里的角色〕不惹人喜欢的 an unsympathetic character 不讨人喜欢的人物 —unsympathetically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusunsympathetic• There are a couple of troubling aspects to this account, but even to raise them is to seem somehow unsympathetic.• I explained our problems to the bank manager, but he remained unsympathetic.• Even when he's lying through his teeth, he never comes off as unsympathetic.• In general, the attitude of the administration towards congress was disdainful and unsympathetic.• The Chancellor is, however, unsympathetic and safety-first will be his watchword.• an unsympathetic boss• I'm sorry, I don't mean to be unsympathetic, but I don't see how I can help.• But as we contemplate these bitter internecine struggles we should not be too unsympathetic or complacent.• Our appeal for government help met with an unsympathetic response.• But they are not entirely unsympathetic to natural parents.• Sometimes the level of indoctrination seems extreme, especially to those unsympathetic with the message.unsympathetic to/towards• The world seems cruel and unsympathetic to her and Mitch would help her.• But they are not entirely unsympathetic to natural parents.• Ministers who are keen advocates of a free market economy may be unsympathetic to such ideas.• And to compound the problem, the local planning authority had shown themselves unsympathetic to the owner's over-ambitious plans for rebuilding.• Gross desperately pointed to the work of a lifetime to show that he was scarcely unsympathetic to the plight of minority students.• Spectators were not surprisingly unsympathetic to the rare protests of professionals about the maximum wage and the retain-and-transfer system.• According to one theory, held by some psychiatrists, patients may find doctors increasingly unsympathetic to their plight.• The new Assembly, however, was quite unsympathetic to these views.un·sym·pa·thet·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  not to or who kind Corpus someone helpful




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