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单词 unsuited
释义  un·suit·ed /ʌnˈsuːtəd, -ˈsjuː- $ -ˈsuː-/ adjective [not before noun]  1  not having the right qualities for a particular job or purpose 不合格的;不胜任的;不合适的unsuited to/for He was unsuited for the job. 他不适合干这份工作。 old school buildings unsuited to modern education 不适合现代教育的旧校舍2  British English two people who are unsuited are unlikely to have a successful romantic relationship because they have very different characters and interests 〔异性之间因性格不合、兴趣各异而〕不适合的,不般配的 SYN mismatched I now realize that Tom and I were totally unsuited. 我现在认识到我和汤姆完全不适合。Examples from the Corpusunsuited• Attendance is better than 21,000 a game in the SkyDome, a cavernous building unsuited for basketball.• Temperamentally unsuited for compromise, Tatum went on the offensive.• Mary says that he is unsuited for the clergy and will not marry him if he enters that field.• She was totally unsuited to anything where she had to organize herself.• Few disciples followed him, his purist rigour being unsuited to compromise or the political infighting which wracked the sectarian Left.• The two of them seemed so entirely unsuited to each other that I quickly discarded the unbidden image of their marital bed.• They also tend to be aesthetically unsuited to many older-style properties.• Are these rules unsuited to modern medicine?unsuited to/for• Attendance is better than 21,000 a game in the SkyDome, a cavernous building unsuited for basketball.• If the truth be known, all too many of them are entirely unsuited for civilized life.• The two of them seemed so entirely unsuited to each other that I quickly discarded the unbidden image of their marital bed.• They also tend to be aesthetically unsuited to many older-style properties.• Mary says that he is unsuited for the clergy and will not marry him if he enters that field.• He was totally unsuited for the job.• Certainly scientific approaches had come to be seen as unsuited to this project and therefore increasingly discarded.• It was a technique which by its very nature was unsuited for use from the front opposition bench.totally unsuited• He was totally unsuited for the job.• She was totally unsuited to anything where she had to organize herself.• Richard and I were totally unsuited, we cramped each other, preventing further growth, we were better apart.un·suit·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  a Corpus the having for qualities particular not right




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