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单词 unresolved
释义  un·re·solved /ˌʌnrɪˈzɒlvd◂ $ -ˈzɑːlvd◂, -ˈzɒːlvd◂/ AWL adjective  SOLVE/DEAL WITH A PROBLEMan unresolved problem or question has not been answered or solved 未解答的;未解决的 the unresolved issue of who will pay for the project 项目由谁出资这个悬而未决的问题 an unresolved conflict 没有解决的冲突Examples from the Corpusunresolved• To my mind the issue is still unresolved.• A number of problems are still unresolved.• A number of issues, however, remain unresolved.• It was into this unresolved but not unsatisfactorily balanced situation that film was introduced, and was immediately identified as something new.• Carla, of course, knew the story well, and had analyzed it for unresolved childhood issues with her analyst husband.• The design of the new shopping mall is almost complete, although there are still some unresolved difficulties.• While this case is somewhat extreme, the risk that it demonstrates of unresolved feelings surrounding prematurity is worth keeping in mind.• They merely suffered from unresolved Oedipal complexes, and were attacking universities as a surrogate father.• These dreams are usually evidence of some unresolved problem or dilemma.• Mr Ray's statement leaves an unresolved question.• unresolved safety issuesun·re·solved adjectiveChineseSyllable  not Corpus answered or an has question unresolved problem or been




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