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单词 unreported
释义 Word family  noun report reporter reportage reporting adjective unreported verb report adverb reportedly  un·re·port·ed /ˌʌnrɪˈpɔːtɪd◂ $ -ˈpɔːr-/ adjective  not told to the public or to someone in authority 未报告的;未举报的 Rape is a crime that often goes unreported. 强奸罪案常常没有人报案。Examples from the Corpusunreported• Dolphins and porpoises are being entangled in monofilament death traps throughout the world, and a great many drownings go unreported.• Other actions may have gone unreported.• She says the real figures are probably ten-fold because many cases remain unreported.• Smith, admitting he had an unreported business relationship with the department store owner, resigned as junior minister for Northern Ireland.• In a series of unspectacular and largely unreported moves the army had slowly advanced towards the interior.• And at least half the cases in the black community may go unreported, warns Padayachee.goes unreported• And their suffering goes unreported and, for the most part, ignored.un·re·port·ed adjectiveChineseSyllable  public in to told someone Corpus the or to authority not




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