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单词 unlimited
释义 Word family  noun limit limitation delimitation adjective limited ≠ unlimited limiting limitless verb limit delimit  un·lim·i·ted /ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd/ ●●○ adjective  1  LIMIT#without any limit 无界限的;无限制的 The system can support an unlimited number of users. 该系统可以支持无限多的用户。 unlimited access to information 无限制查阅资料 The ticket offers unlimited travel on the London underground for seven days. 凭本票可在七日内无限次乘坐伦敦地铁。2  LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTvery large in amount 数量极大的,无数的 an unlimited variety of cookies 多种多样的甜饼干Examples from the Corpusunlimited• At the time of the purchase, the extent of Alaska and its resources must have seemed unlimited.• Incorporation may itself take several forms: public or private, limited or unlimited, and with or without a share capital.• The maximum penalty is two years' imprisonment or an unlimited fine.• Unlike many other unmetered deals, the price also includes unlimited freephone technical support.• We pay $20 a month for unlimited Internet access.• Prices are expected to be in the $ 27 to $ 30 per month range for unlimited Internet access.• This industry had always been known as a growth industry of unlimited potential.• The ticket is good for unlimited travel on the city's transportation system for 3 days.• It costs $ 500 for unlimited use of the protocol.unlimited number• But suppose you have an unlimited number of deals.• Internet access providers generally charge $ 20 a month but offer an unlimited number of hours per month.• In a hyperbolic plane an unlimited number of lines can pass through the point and not meet the given line.• Learn unlimited numbers of new letters.• For a typical semantic constituent, there is an unlimited number of possible sentential frames.• An unlimited number of sub-accounts are available to financial advisers.• Hard-disk users are fortunate enough to be able to store an almost unlimited number of useful macros.un·lim·i·ted adjectiveChineseSyllable  without any Corpus limit




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