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单词 university
释义  Related topics: Collegeu·ni·ver·si·ty /ˌjuːnəˈvɜːsəti◂ $ -ɜːr-/ ●●● S2 W1 noun (plural universities) [countable, uncountable]  SECan educational institution at the highest level, where you study for a degree 大学at a university She’s at Cambridge University. 她在剑桥大学念书。university of the University of Texas 得克萨斯大学 COLLOCATIONSverbsgo to university 上大学Her daughter was about to go to university. 她女儿就要上大学了。be at university British English 读大学We were at university together. 我们一起上的大学。study (something) at a university 在大学学习(某课程)She studied law at Edinburgh University. 她在爱丁堡大学读法律。apply for university 申请大学nI applied for university without any real idea of what I wanted to do.start university (also enter university formal) 进大学nSome people take a year off before they start university.leave university 离开大学nStudents often find work soon after leaving university.graduate from university (=leave after getting a degree) 大学毕业nShe graduated from Liverpool University in 2006. drop out of university (=leave before finishing your course) 大学辍学nHe dropped out of university in order to join a rock + NOUNa university course 大学课程He studied history at school and was now planning to take a university course. 他在中学里学了历史,现在打算读一个大学课程。a university student 大学生Thirty years ago 33% of university students were female. 三十年前,33% 的大学生是女生。a university graduate (=someone who has completed a university course) 大学毕业生nShe is a university graduate who speaks three languages.a university lecturer/professor 大学讲师/教授nHer father was a university lecturer and her mother a teacher.a university degree 大学学位nHe was a qualified engineer with a university degree.a university education 大学教育nI did not have the advantage of a university university departmentone of the oldest university departments in the countrythe university campus (=the area of land containing the main buildings of a university) 大学校园nThere were violent protests on university campuses. n THESAURUSuniversity a place where you can study a subject at a high level to get a degreeHarvard UniversityAbout a third of the pupils go on to in Britain, a place where you can study after you finish secondary school, especially to train for a job. In the US, a place where you can study and get a bachelor’s degreeShe’s at teacher training college.the Royal College of MusicWhere did you go to college?community college (also junior college) American English a school that students can go to for two years in order to learn a skill or prepare for universityCommunity colleges can provide job-specific training.graduate school a college or university where you can study for a master’s degree or a doctorate, after receiving your first degreeI taught for a few years, and then went back to graduate school.Examples from the Corpusuniversity• Of the 34 universities contacted only 17 were able to supply the appropriate information requested.• The first one was written by a university senior applying for a graduate trainee position with a bank.• In 1986 32% of Saudi Arabian university professors were women.• Both my sisters are at university.• Baker also plans schemes that help industry to exploit technologies developed by universities.• For instance, many colleges, universities and government agencies store on-line information using a system called gopher.• The allegations were confirmed in an internal university audit dated May 1996, according to a Wall Street Journal story last year.• Most universities have some review committee that requires a statement from the researcher that adequate protection will be guaranteed for all respondents.• In the hospital and in the university, I watched the dying and the dead.• the University of Chicago• She wants to go to university to study biology.Origin university (1300-1400) Old French université, from Medieval Latin universitas, from Late Latin, “society, association”, from Latin, “the whole”, from universus; → UNIVERSEu·ni·ver·si·ty noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  an highest Corpus institution educational the level, at




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