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单词 Unionist
释义  Related topics: GroupingsU·nion·ist /ˈjuːnjənɪst/ noun [countable]  PPGa member of a political party that wants Northern Ireland to remain part of the United Kingdom 〔主张北爱尔兰留在英国的〕统一党党员 —Unionism noun [uncountable]Examples from the CorpusUnionist• This was the most respectable strain of Unionist opposition to the coalition.• When Lloyd George became prime minister in December 1916 he was backed by the Unionists in a coalition government.• Even assaults on the Unionists over alleged cases of discrimination could rebound.• And, by rooting out abuses, they actually helped the interests of ordinary Trade Unionists.U·nion·ist nounChineseSyllable  member political that a a party of Corpus




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