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单词 undisturbed
释义 Word family  noun disturbance adjective disturbed ≠ undisturbed disturbing verb disturb adverb disturbingly  un·dis·turbed /ˌʌndɪˈstɜːbd◂ $ -ɜːr-/ adjective  1  DISTURB#not interrupted or moved 未受到干扰的;未被动过的 At last I was able to work undisturbed. 我终于可以安安静静地工作了。be left/remain undisturbed The land is to be left undisturbed as a nature reserve. 这块土地将作为自然保护区原封不动地保留下来。2  be undisturbed by something not upset or worried by something 镇定地面对某事,泰然自若地面对某事 Mark seemed undisturbed by her threats. 马克似乎对她的威胁无动于衷。Examples from the Corpusundisturbed• But they did not venture into the hinterland, leaving the rebels there undisturbed.• Near the upper west-facing slopes, I was surprised to find woods that seemed ancient and undisturbed.• So, the artists' shell remains intact, the fusty public image undisturbed.• The Museum's policy is that it is far better to leave such time-capsules undisturbed.• Studies have shown that bighorns harassed by people feed less and are warier than sheep in undisturbed areas.• A third took him into the garden where he looked at the neat undisturbed flower-beds.• The tomb was left undisturbed for over 800 years.• They prefer shallow, undisturbed left/remain undisturbed• Thomson was left undisturbed at the Restoration, although he lost his place as a Trinity brother.• Waltheof were left undisturbed, except for a few small bones, which were removed for relics.• His body was brought back to Lindisfarne and was buried in the cathedral, where it was left undisturbed for eleven years.• Scientists were satisfied with this figure, and the constant was left undisturbed until 1975.un·dis·turbed adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus interrupted or not moved




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