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单词 uncoil
释义  un·coil /ʌnˈkɔɪl/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  STRAIGHTif you uncoil something, or if it uncoils, it stretches out straight after being wound around in a circle 解开〔卷着的东西〕;(使)展开 SYN unwind Slowly, the snake uncoiled. 蛇慢慢地伸展开盘着的身躯。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusuncoil• It's the first time in years I've been able to uncoil a little with Ali.• Granny Weatherwax lay in it, her dress torn, her hair uncoiling from its rock-hard bun.• They beckon us to claim our right to uncoil in a frenzied world.• If you are using an extension flex reel, always uncoil it fully to prevent it from overheating.• It was hundreds of feet long, initially resembling a huge snake uncoiling itself.• Fenella could feel the shadows stirring already; she could feel a dark, slimy something uncoiling somewhere close by.• Most of all, it requires laying aside the guilt, uncoiling the defensive posture and dealing with the facts.un·coil verbChineseSyllable  you if or it if Corpus something, uncoil




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