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单词 typing
释义  typ·ing /ˈtaɪpɪŋ/ noun [uncountable]  TWRITEthe activity of using a computer or a typewriter to write something 打字(工作) typing errors 打字错误 I’m no good at typing. 我打字不行。Examples from the Corpustyping• Corky's taking an age typing them all in - even slower since I threatened to give him a good lashing!• In theory, she studied domestic science - dressmaking and cooking - and took a pitman's correspondence and typing course.• Should other two-letter codes appear, you will find it possible to continue typing.• When they introduced computers they also taught her typing and keyboard skills.• Its feel is absolutely perfect for my typing style, being positive and clicky, with plenty of travel.• Worse, the courses which training agencies are likely to offer will be narrow: typing for secretaries, plumbing for plumbers.• I've got a lot of typing to do today.• Only a few of the errors are of the same kind as spelling or typing errors.• They shared a cramped open-plan area in which they were disposed rather in the manner of a traditional typing pool.typ·ing nounChineseSyllable  a of typewriter Corpus computer or using activity a the




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