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单词 transpose
释义  Related topics: Musictrans·pose /trænˈspəʊz $ -ˈspoʊz/ verb [transitive + into/to] technical  1. formalCHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENT to change the order or position of two or more things 变换,调换〔顺序或位置〕2. to use a system or method in a different situation from the one you used it in originally 转移〔系统、方法等的使用环境〕3. APMto write or perform a piece of music in a musical key that is different from the one that it was first written in 使〔乐曲〕变调,移调 —transposition /ˌtrænspəˈzɪʃən/ noun [countable, uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustranspose• But when you have to transpose by a third or more you have to go back to square one.• Wedding and funeral forms, sent in by the families, were passed to me for transposing into the accepted cliches.• We may close our eyes tightly against the ramshackle buildings all about and transpose ourselves to the top of Mount Pitt.• To see it only need one transpose the four protagonists as follows.• I had transposed the last two digits of her phone number.• Lacan transposes these structuralist accounts to the level of individual psychosexual development.• Those that did not depend upon the land or the sea she might transpose to another setting.• If my mind could be transposed to film, I could remember probably about thirty good or really meaningful shots.Origin transpose (1300-1400) Old French transposer, from Latin transponere “to change the position of”, from ponere “to put”trans·pose verbChineseSyllable  position or two more the to change Corpus order or of




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