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单词 transcontinental
释义 Word family  noun continent adjective continental intercontinental transcontinental  Related topics: Geography, Transporttrans·con·ti·nen·tal /ˌtrænzkɒntəˈnentl, ˌtræns- $ -kɑːn-/ adjective  SGTTcrossing a continent 横贯大陆的 a transcontinental railway 一条横贯大陆的铁路Examples from the Corpustranscontinental• This was her third transcontinental flight in three years, and its differences from the others showed her transformation.• By 1886, the first year after the completion of the transcontinental line, the figure was 1,665,960.• The transcontinental pipeline that hit the news last year is only part of the project.• The first transcontinental railroad, we were taught to believe, was a huge government success.• a transcontinental railroad• The government had long since perceived that the way west depended on the transcontinental railroad.• But transcontinental status always brought a classical rush to the head of railroad companies.• But the savings disappear on transcontinental travel.From Longman Business Dictionarytranscontinentaltrans‧con‧ti‧nen‧tal /ˌtrænzkɒntəˈnentl, ˌtræns--kɑːn-/ adjectiveTRAVEL crossing a continenta transcontinental flight from New York to Los Angelestrans·con·ti·nen·tal adjectiveChineseSyllable  continent Corpus a crossing Business




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