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单词 transact
释义  Related topics: Business basicstrans·act /trænˈzækt/ verb [intransitive, transitive]  formalBBBUSINESS to do business with someone 办理(业务),做(交易) Most deals are transacted over the phone. 大多数生意都是在电话里成交的。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustransact• Very often they were essentially ceremonial or symbolic, with little real political business to transact.• As well as linking branches of a company, WANs offer the opportunity to transact business electronically with other companies.• And soon after this military tribunal was ended, the circuit court met, peacefully transacted its business, and adjourned.• Business these days clearly is transacted on a world-wide basis.• If so, how do we transact our business.• Moreover, the plane may be clever enough to make the trip and transact the business by itself.• Drinking whisky in the place where they transacted their cold financial realities during the day was out of kilter somehow.• Perhaps the longest and most controversial piece of business transacted was the disestablishment of the Hong Kong Branch.From Longman Business Dictionarytransacttrans‧act /trænˈzækt/ verb [intransitive, transitive] formalCOMMERCE to do business, such as buying or selling, with another companyThe new networks offer the opportunity totransact business electronically with other companies.A good negotiator knows the price at which he is prepared to transact.→ See Verb tableOrigin transact (1500-1600) Latin past participle of transigere “to drive through, finish, transact”, from agere “to drive, do”trans·act verbChineseSyllable  to do business Business with Corpus someone




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