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单词 tradition
释义 Word family  noun tradition traditionalist traditionalism adjective traditional traditionalist adverb traditionally  tra·di·tion /trəˈdɪʃən/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  TRADITION[countable, uncountable] a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has existed for a long time, or these beliefs, customs etc in general 传统 the traditions of South East Asia 东南亚的传统 the tradition that the eldest son inherits the property 长子继承家产的传统 By tradition, it’s the bride’s parents who pay for the wedding. 根据传统习俗,婚礼的费用由新娘的父母承担。► see thesaurus at habit2  (be) in the tradition of somebody/something WAY/MANNERto have the same features as something that has been made or done in the past 沿袭某人/某事物的传统 His paintings are very much in the tradition of Picasso and Matisse. 他的绘画在很大程度上秉承了毕加索的传统。 COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + traditiona long tradition 悠久的传统This country has a long tradition of accepting political refugees. 这个国家有着接纳政治难民的悠久传统。a time-honoured/long-standing tradition (=a long tradition) 古老的/长期的传统In time-honoured tradition, they have a drink in every pub along the high street. 按古老的传统,他们要喝遍大街上的所有酒吧。a strong tradition 牢固的传统There is a strong tradition of sport at the school. 这所学校有重视体育的牢固传统。an old/ancient tradition 古老的传统nIn rural Wales, the old traditions persisted.a family tradition 家庭传统nAccording to family tradition, he must sing at his own wedding.a cultural/religious tradition 文化/宗教传统ncultural traditions that date back many generationsa local tradition 当地传统nThe villagers are all keen to preserve local traditions.nAmerican/British/Western etc traditionThe festival is a part of the Scottish tradition which is worth preserving.verbsfollow a tradition (=do what has been done before) 遵循传统He followed the family tradition and became a doctor. 他继承家族传统,当了医生。maintain/carry on/continue/uphold a tradition (=make a tradition continue in the same way or at the same standard as before) 保持传统We maintain a tradition of cider making dating from Norman times. 我们一直保持着诺曼时期留下来的苹果酒酿造传统。break with tradition (=not follow a tradition) 打破传统nWhy not break with tradition and study at Leeds, say, or London, instead of Oxford?establish a tradition 树立传统nThey are continuing a tradition established by the firm’s Victorian steeped in tradition (=have many traditions) 有着丰富的传统nIt is an area of the country steeped in tradition.Examples from the Corpustradition• The region has a tradition of winemaking which goes back to Roman times.• Once claimed, the spots are protected by tradition -- and fear.• By tradition, it is the bride's parents who pay for the wedding.• They come from very different Christian traditions.• We always go for a long walk on Christmas morning - it's a family tradition.• a family tradition• The great cantors developed their own special variations on the liturgy, largely on the basis of folk tradition.• There was a place for tradition but it was not here.• There is great respect for tradition among the older members of the community.• They impose liturgical traditions, organisational structures, communication methods and leadership models which are alien to their environment.• There is a lot of tradition connected to this school.• A lot of the old traditions are dying out.• Every village has its own traditions.• Out of which great religious or philosophical tradition does the call of compassion come to you?• Indian spiritual traditions• There was a long-standing tradition of professionalism, which centred around jockeys and pugilists for the most part.• Of course that's not to say that tradition doesn't have a place.• These little creatures are mostly white, in the tradition of the popular white child-like Snowbabies.• It's still the tradition here that the eldest son inherits all the family's money and land.tradition that• Celtic music has a resonance, a tradition that somehow speaks to people of all nationalities.• And it's a tradition that sustains the pre-eminence of the seven-car S-class range.• The ads continue a NutraSweet celebrity tradition that has included Cher and Lauren Hutton.• This magnificent abundance established one tradition that we are still struggling to overcome.• The tradition that you came from often looked askance at constitutions, regarding them as mere pieces of paper.Origin tradition (1300-1400) Old French Latin traditio “act of handing over”; → TRAITORtra·di·tion noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  of way doing or has something Corpus custom, that a belief,




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