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单词 trademark
释义  Related topics: Tradetrade·mark /ˈtreɪdmɑːk $ -mɑːrk/ noun [countable]  1. BBTa special name, sign, or word that is marked on a product to show that it is made by a particular company, that cannot be used by any other company 〔公司某一产品的〕商标2  RECOGNIZEa particular way of behaving, dressing etc by which someone or something can be easily recognized 〔某人或某物在行为、穿着等方面很容易被识别出来的〕标记,特征 The striped T-shirt became the comedian’s trademark. 条纹T恤衫成了这位喜剧演员的标记。Examples from the Corpustrademark• The knack for capturing the voice of each character, a trademark of Bogosian as performer, flags at times here.• The researchers relied on the ability of the material to repel a magnetic field, a trademark of superconductors.• Eyes shaded by his trademark red cap, Chick Cashman settles into the small booth, facing me across the Formica table.• Large hats became Abzug's trademark.• But attention to detail is the director's trademark.• The updated suspension includes a more stylish link for the trademark Telelever front end, together with a new shock.From Longman Business Dictionarytrademarktrade-mark /ˈtreɪdmɑːk-mɑːrk/ abbreviation TM noun [countable]COMMERCELAW a name, sign, or design used on a product to show it is made by a particular companyThe letters “WWF” are a registered trademark and must not be used without permission.Trademarks and patents (=the sole right to make or sell a new invention, product, or method of doing something) can be referred to as industrial property, and the law stops them being used by any other company or person. They have to be registered (=put on an official list) at the Patent Office in the UK or at the Patent and Trademark Office in the US, and the owner of a patent must pay a renewal fee every year in order for it to·mark nounChineseSyllable  special Business name, sign, Corpus a or word is that marked a on




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