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单词 advertisement
释义 Word family  noun advertisement advertiser advertising verb advertise  Related topics: Advertising & marketingad·ver·tise·ment /ədˈvɜːtəsmənt $ ˌædvərˈtaɪz-/ ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  BBAADVERTISE (also ad informal, advert British English) a picture, set of words, or a short film, which is intended to persuade people to buy a product or use a service, or that gives information about a job that is available, an event that is going to happen etc 广告;启事advertisement for The Sunday papers are full of advertisements for cars. 周日报纸上全是汽车广告。 She saw an advertisement for a ski vacation in Vermont. 她看到一则去佛蒙特州滑雪度假的广告。 They put an advertisement in ‘The Morning News’, offering a high salary for the right person. 他们在《晨报》上刊登了一则启事,出高薪寻找合适的人选。 The organizers of the concert had taken out a full page advertisement in ‘The New York Times’. 音乐会筹办者在《纽约时报》上刊登了整版广告。 Only a handful of people answered the advertisement. 只有寥寥数人对该广告作出了回应。2  be an advertisement for something IMPRESSto be a good example of something or show how effective it can be 是…的典范 He’s a very good advertisement for the benefits of regular exercise. 要证明经常锻炼的好处,他便是很好的样板。n COLLOCATIONSADJECTIVES/NOUN + advertisementa car/holiday/shampoo etc advertisementa glossy magazine full of car advertisementsa job advertisementJo was reading the job advertisements in the newspaper.a newspaper/magazine advertisementI got the apartment through a newspaper advertisement.a television/TV/Internet advertisementthe new TV advertisement for the Volkswagen Golfa full-page advertisementThe organization took out a full-page advertisement in the New York Times.a pop-up advertisement (=one that suddenly appears on your computer screen when you are looking at a website)You can buy software that blocks unwanted pop-up advertisements.verbsput/place an advertisement in a paper/newspaperI tried putting an advertisement for lodgers in the local an advertisement (=put it on a website)The agency has posted an advertisement on its website for graduates to work overseas.take out an advertisement (=arrange for an advertisement to be in a newspaper or magazine)Their record company took out full-page advertisements in the music press to promote the an advertisement (=print or broadcast an advertisement)Broadcasters are no longer allowed to run cigarette advertisements.answer an advertisementI answered an advertisement in the paper for volunteers. THESAURUSadvertisement 广告an advertisement for shampoo 一则洗发水广告They placed an advertisement in the newspaper. 他们在报纸上刊登了一则广告。ad informal an advertisement 广告She’s been in several TV ads. 她拍过好几个电视广告。advert British English an advertisement 广告a job advert 招聘广告He took out a front-page advert for his shop. 他给他的店做了个头版广告。commercial an advertisement on television or radio 〔电视或电台的〕商业广告television commercials 电视广告He was in some commercials for beer. 他拍过一些啤酒广告。trailer an advertisement in the cinema, on television, or online for a film or programme which will be shown soon 〔电影院、电视或网上的〕新片预告,节目预告A second trailer for Richard Friedman’s film has just been added to the website. 网站上刚刚加进理查德·弗里德曼电影的第二个预告片。promotion a series of advertisements for a company’s products 〔公司产品的〕广告宣传,推广活动The company has spent more than $300 million on promotions for the brand. 该公司已投入三亿多美元用于品牌推广。poster an advertisement on a wall 海报They selected a famous artist to do the poster for the upcoming performance. 他们选了一位著名画家为即将举行的演出制作海报。billboard (also hoarding British English) a large sign next to a road, with an advertisement on it 〔路边的〕 (大幅)广告牌billboard advertisements 大型户外广告A huge hoarding shows two contrasting images. 一个巨大的广告牌显示了两幅对比鲜明的画面。flyer a piece of paper with an advertisement on it, often given to you in the street 〔广告〕传单Someone was handing out flyers for a new nightclub. 有人在分发一家新开夜总会的广告传单。banner ad an advertisement across the top of a page on the Internet 〔网页上的〕横幅广告,标题广告Banner ads are becoming more sophisticated. 网页的标题广告愈发精美。junk mail unwanted advertisements that you get in the post 垃圾广告邮件I never read junk mail. 我从来不看垃圾广告邮件。spam unwanted emails advertising things 垃圾电子邮件I’m trying to delete all the spam. 我正在设法删除所有的垃圾邮件。classified ad (also want ad American English, small ad British English) a short advertisement that you put in a newspaper if you want to buy or sell something 〔报纸上的〕分类广告The bike was advertised for sale in the small ads section. 那辆自行车在分类广告栏上登了广告要出售。Examples from the Corpusadvertisement• Most car advertisements are aimed at men.• For the last year, her face has appeared in CitriMax advertisements.• Hershiser and Brown will be paid for appearing in the milk advertisements.• There were no advertisements for staff.• At this time of year, the papers are full of advertisements for skiing holidays.• She loved the advertisements especially, so gorgeously puzzling.• In response to the story-boards, it became clear that attitudes towards the advertisements were mixed.advertisement for• an advertisement for laundry detergentFrom Longman Business DictionaryLBED_01_aadvertisementad‧ver‧tise‧ment /ədˈvɜːtəsməntˌædvərˈtaɪz-/ (also advert British English) noun [countable] MARKETINGa picture, piece of film, or piece of writing that is used to tell people publicly about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy itShe appears in advertisements for health foods.a television advertisement for a brand of toothpasteThe company has placed advertisements in today’s Wall Street Journal.The importers of the faulty driers have run advertisements asking owners to contact them.Advertisements (informally ads or adverts British English) which promote or market a product or service appear in many forms. A billboard (also hoarding British English) is a large sign placed next to a road with a picture advertising a product on it. Flyers, which are small sheets of paper advertising something, are given out to people in the street. Junk mail is unwanted advertising material that you receive in the post and spam is unwanted emails advertising something. A mailshot is advertising material that a company sends by post to a large number of people at the same time. Commercials are advertisements on TV or radio. Banner ads/web banners are advertisements on a webpage with a link to the website of an advertiser, and a popup is an advertisement that suddenly appears in a separate window when you are looking at a website. When the maker of a product arranges for the product to appear in a film or television programme, this form of advertising is known as product placement. → classified advertisement → job advertisement → print advertisementad·ver·tise·ment noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a Business set of words, picture, or Corpus




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