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单词 tom
释义  Related topics: Animalstom /tɒm $ tɑːm/ noun [countable]  informalHBA a tomcat 雄猫,公猫Examples from the Corpustom• It's run by the Oxford Trust to make Science more accessible and attractive tom young people.• To be tom apart by wild animals.• He felt as if he were being tom in two.• Henrietta is in her season, and every tom in London seems to be prowling on our rooftop.• She squealed like a tabby cat beneath the lecherous neighbourhood tom.• The toms had initially retreated to the lowest eaves of the roof.• A young tom turkey is a young male turkey with the same characteristics as a young hen turkey. 4.Origin tom (1700-1800) Tom male name, from Thomastom nounChinese   Corpus a tomcat




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