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单词 time limit
释义  ˈtime ˌlimit noun [countable]  PERIOD OF TIMEthe longest time that you are allowed in which to do something 时限,期限time limit for/on something The time limit for applications is three weeks. 申请的期限为三周。Examples from the Corpustime limit• This presumably means that leave must be sought to file a supplementary statement where any time limit for filing evidence has expired.• If the three-day time limit is not complied with the certificate will only cover costs incurred after the date of issue.• You have a 50-minute time limit for the test.• There is no time limit on filing serious criminal charges.• One possible solution is for the last step in the procedure to be the subject of a strict time limit.time limit for/on something• Your drawing is open-ended, no time limit for repayment is specified at drawdown.• There is no time limit on filing serious criminal charges.• There's no time limit on detention under the immigration act.• In 4* and 5* policies the time limit for injuries resulting in death is 60 days from the date of accident.• The time limit for appeals is three months.ˈtime ˌlimit nounChineseSyllable   Corpus are that time the you longest allowed




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