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单词 tigress
释义  Related topics: Animalsti·gress /ˈtaɪɡrɪs/ noun [countable]  HBAa female tiger 母虎,雌老虎Examples from the Corpustigress• Suppose the individual is a tigress whose territory has recently been invaded by another tigress.• The Trunchbull started advancing slow and soft-footed upon Rupert in the manner of a tigress stalking a small deer.• There is some evidence that a tigress who has killed humans abandons the habit once her family is self-supporting.• A tigress with cubs is on her own.• One fine day, this innocent tigress is suddenly tamed by a modest teacher who teaches her to read.• I had all this time neither seen nor heard anything; nevertheless, I was convinced that the tigress was watching me.• The tigress is quick to surface when your young are threatened and I could face up to any bully to defend my own.ti·gress nounChineseSyllable  tiger Corpus female a




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