单词 |
tighten the screws on sb |
释义 |
tighten the screws on sb tighten the screws on sb1 → put/tighten the screws on somebody at screw1(2) to force someone to do something by threatening them2 → tighten the screws (on somebody) at tighten(3) to try to force someone to do something, by threatening them or making things difficult for them – used in news reportstighten the screws on sb |
随便看 |
- appals
- apparatchik
- apparatchiks
- apparatus
- apparatuses
- apparel
- apparent
- apparently
- apparition
- apparitions
- appaz
- appeal
- Appeal Court
- appealcourt
- appeal-court
- appealed
- appealing
- appealing
- appealing expression
- appealing look
- appealing look/expression/voice etc
- appealingly
- appealing voice
- appeals
- appeals court
- Including
- Music
- Process
- Although
- Across
- Education
- Enough
- Offer
- Force
- Teacher
- 平潇博《满身花雨又归来》记叙高中作文
- 平生不作圆软态,此是丈夫。能软而不失刚方之气,此是大丈夫,圣贤之所以分也。
- 平生不解藏人善,到处逢人说项斯
- 平生不解藏人善,到外逢人说项斯
- 平生德义人间诵,身后何劳更立碑
- 平生所为,使怨我者得以指摘,爱我者不能掩护,此省身之大惧也,士君子慎之。故我无过而谤语滔天不足惊也,可谈笑而受之。我有过而幸不及闻,当寝不贴席、食不下咽矣。是以君子贵“无恶于志”。
- 平生无一事可瞒人,此是大快乐。
- 平生无一人称誉,其人可知矣。平生无一人诋毁,其人亦可知矣。大如天,圣如孔子,未尝尽可人意。是人也,无分君子小人皆感激之,是在天与圣人上,贤耶,不肖耶?我不可知矣。
- 平生词义,平生组词,平生造句
- 平生铁石心,忘家思报国
- 平生风义兼师友,不敢同君哭寝门
- 平畴交远风,良苗亦怀新
- 平畴交远风,良苗亦怀新
- 平白无故的意思,平白无故的近义词,反义词,造句
- 平白无故的意思,平白无故造句
- Trashy句子
- Strum句子
- Destabilisation句子
- Rock band句子
- Piece of music句子
- Rounders句子
- Agni句子
- Loveable句子
- Hoops句子
- Data set句子
- Egotistic句子
- Shooter句子
- Postnatal句子
- Recce句子
- Democratisation句子