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单词 ticker tape
释义  ˈticker tape noun  1. [uncountable]TCT long narrow paper on which information, for example the price of company stocks, is printed by a special machine 〔一种供专门机器打印信息用的窄长条〕纸带2. ticker tape parade American EnglishCELEBRATE an occasion when someone important or famous walks or drives through an American city and pieces of paper are thrown from high buildings to welcome them 盛大欢迎〔指某位要人或名人在美国某城市经过时,人们从高楼上撒纸片的欢迎仪式〕From Longman Business Dictionaryticker tapeˈticker ˌtape noun1[uncountable] long narrow paper on which information or news is printed by a special machine as soon as events have happened2[singular]FINANCE a computer screen that shows information about the buying and selling of sharesSeveral large trades showed on the ticker tape.ˈticker tape nounChineseSyllable  narrow for on example paper the which long information, Business




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