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单词 thump
释义  Related topics: Textures, soundsthump1 /θʌmp/ ●○○ verb  1  [transitive] informalHIT to hit someone very hard with your hand closed 〔用拳〕捶打,重击 If you don’t shut up, I’m going to thump you! 你要是不住嘴,我就揍你! She thumped the table with her fist. 她挥拳砸在桌子上。► see thesaurus at hit2  [intransitive, transitive always + adverb/preposition]CSSOUND to hit against something loudly 发出重击声;砰砰作响 His feet thumped loudly on the bare boards. 他的脚踏在光光的地板上咚咚作响。 He thumped his cup down on the table. 他把茶杯重重地放在桌子上。3  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition] to walk or run with your feet making a loud heavy sound as they touch the ground 噔噔地跑[走] Stella came thumping down the stairs. 斯特拉噔噔噔地跑下楼梯。4  [intransitive]FRIGHTENEDEXCITED if your heart thumps, it beats very strongly and quickly because you are frightened or excited 〔心脏因恐惧或激动〕怦怦地跳 My heart was thumping inside my chest. 我的心在胸口怦怦地跳。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusthump• She could hear him thumping around in the bathroom, washing before dinner.• Last night, the Dodgers were thumped at home by the Giants.• She guessed it thumped for its life.• I try to thump him with my left, though my hand is a ball of pain.• He felt his heart thumping inside his chest.• His feet thumped loudly on bare boards.• Mike thumped Stephanie's back several times to stop her choking.• The dog's tail continued to thump the rug.• Thump the watermelon to see if it's ripe.Related topics: Textures, soundsthump2 noun [countable]  1  CSSOUNDthe dull sound that is made when something hits a surface 重击声;砰的一声 The box fell to the floor with a thump. 盒子砰的一声掉到了地板上。► see thesaurus at sound2  [usually singular] especially British EnglishHIT an action in which you hit someone or something 重击,狠打 If he does that again, I’ll give him a good thump. 如果他再这么干,我就狠狠地揍他一顿。 a thump on the jaw 打在下巴上的一记重击Examples from the Corpusthump• Jimmy heard a thump, followed by the slamming of the front gate.• More usually, they come down with a thump a yard or so away.• A suitcase toppled off the top of the wardrobe and landed on the floor with a thump.• He could hear the music and its pile-driving thump in the background.• The heavy thump of acid house music was everywhere.• There was a loud thump as Eddie threw Luther back against the wall.• There were no grunts, no thumps, no scuffling of feet.• The thump of the wall against his back.• At two in the morning I was awakened by tremendous thumps and crashes which were shaking the cabin.Origin thump1 (1500-1600) From the soundthump1 verbthump2 nounChinese  very someone hard Corpus hand closed your with to hit




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