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单词 thrilling
释义  thril·ling /ˈθrɪlɪŋ/ ●●○ adjective  EXCITEDinteresting and exciting 引人入胜的;令人激动的 a thrilling 3–2 victory 比分为3比2的激动人心的胜利► see thesaurus at exciting —thrillingly adverbExamples from the Corpusthrilling• The helicopter trip over the mountains was a thrilling end to a fantastic holiday.• a thrilling end to the story• However, the orchestra gave a vigorous account of the work with a truly thrilling end.• It is always a thrilling experience to make the journey with face pressed against the carriage window.• It's not a thrilling task but is easy and only takes minutes.• Ruby Tiger had looked on the point of collapse after her thrilling victory but quickly recovered.• In a thrilling victory over Arizona, Bailey scored four straight points.• But a fine 61 from Martin Jones steered the home side to a thrilling win.thril·ling adjectiveChineseSyllable  interesting and Corpus exciting




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