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单词 thought
释义 Word family  noun thought thoughtfulness ≠ thoughtlessness adjective thoughtful ≠ thoughtless adverb thoughtfully ≠ thoughtlessly  thought1 /θɔːt $ θɒːt/  x-refthe past tense and past participle of think1 think1的过去式和过去分词Related topics: Philosophythought2 ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  STH you think about 你心里想的事 [countable]IDEA something that you think of, remember, or realize 思想,想法 SYN idea It’s an interesting thought. 这想法很有趣。 The thought that I might not have a job next year is a bit troubling. 想到明年可能失业我有点心烦。► see thesaurus at idea2  IDEAS/OPINIONS 想法/观点thoughts [plural] a person’s ideas or opinions about something 意见,主意,观点 What are your thoughts, Michael? 你有什么意见,迈克尔?thoughts on Any thoughts on how we should spend the money? 关于我们该如何花这些钱,谁有什么建议吗?3  careful consideration 认真考虑 [uncountable]THINK ABOUT careful and serious consideration 考虑,思索 With more thought and care this would have been a first-class essay. 要是再认真琢磨一下,这就是一篇一流的文章了。give something thought/give thought to something (=think carefully about something) 认真考虑某事 I’ve been giving your proposal a lot of thought. 我一直在认真考虑你的提议。 Have you given any more thought to going back to school? 你有没有再考虑回去上学呢?4  act of thinking 思考行为 [uncountable]THINK something/HAVE A THOUGHT the act or process of thinking 想,思考;思维lost/deep in thought (=thinking so much that you do not notice what is happening around you) 陷入思索/在沉思中 Derek was staring out of the window, lost in thought. 德里克凝视着窗外,陷入沉思。 Piaget’s research focused on children’s thought processes (=the way their minds work). 皮亚杰的研究重点是儿童的思维方式。5  caring about STH 关心某事 [countable, uncountable]LOOK AFTER somebody a feeling of worrying or caring about something 关心,关怀;顾虑,忧虑thought for He went back into the burning building with no thought for his own safety. 他不顾自己的安危,又回到烈火熊熊的大楼里。 Have you no thought for anyone but yourself? 你就只顾自己,不想想其他人吗? You are always in my thoughts (=used to tell someone that you think and care about them a lot). 你始终在我的心里。6  intention 意图 [countable, uncountable]INTEND intention or hope of doing something 意图,打算;希望thought of doing something I had no thought of gaining any personal advantage. 我并没有想要捞取个人的好处。 Lucy gave up all thought of finishing the essay that day. 露西完全打消了当天写完文章的念头。7  way of thinking 思维方式 [uncountable]RPTHINK ABOUT a way of thinking that is typical of a particular group, period of history etc 〔某一团体的〕思想(方法);〔某一历史时期的〕思潮ancient Greek/feminist/18th-century etc thought Kant’s ideas had a strong influence on political thought. 康德的观点对政治思想有很深刻的影响。8  spare a thought for somebody British EnglishTHINK ABOUT used to tell someone that they should think about someone who is in a worse situation than they are 〔用于要求别人〕给某人一点关心 Spare a thought for those who don’t have enough to eat. 关心一下那些吃不饱肚子的人吧。9  it’s just a thought spokenSUGGEST used to say that what you have just said is only a suggestion and you have not thought about it very much 仅仅是一个想法而已 It was just a thought, Duncan. I didn’t mean any offence. 这仅仅是一个想法而已,邓肯。我无意冒犯。10  it’s/that’s a thought! spokenSUGGEST used to say that someone has made a good suggestion 那是一个好主意! ‘Why don’t you ask Walter?’ ‘That’s a thought! I’ll phone him right away.’ “你为什么不问问沃尔特?”“这是个好主意!我这就打电话给他。”11. don’t give it another thought spokenWORRIED used to tell someone not to worry after they have told you they are sorry 别把它放在心上,不要再往心里去〔用于回答某人的道歉〕12. it’s the thought that counts spokenKIND used to say that you are grateful for a gift from someone even though it is small or unimportant 重要的是心意〔用于表示礼物虽小,你也是非常感激的〕 → perish the thought! at perish(3), → on second thoughts at second1(8), → school of thought at school1(8) COLLOCATIONSverbshave a thought 有一个想法I just had a funny thought. 我刚有个有趣的想法。express your thoughts (=say what they are or tell other people about them) 表达你的想法He was finding it difficult to express his thoughts. 他觉得难以表达自己的想法。a thought occurs to/comes to/strikes somebody (=someone suddenly has a thought) 某人突然想起某事The thought occurred to him that she might be lying. 他突然想到她可能在撒谎。a thought crosses somebody’s mind (=someone has a thought) 某人有个想法The thought never crossed my mind that I could be wrong. 我从没想过可能是我错了。can’t bear the thought of something 无法接受对某事的想法I can’t bear the thought of you being hurt. 想到你受伤我心里就难受。somebody’s thoughts turn to something (=they start thinking about something) 某人开始想到某事As summer approaches, people’s thoughts turn to holidays. 夏日临近,人们开始考虑度假了。adjectivessomebody’s first thought 某人的第一个想法My first thought was that a bomb had gone off. 我第一个想到的就是炸弹爆炸了。a passing thought (=a quick, not very serious thought) 一闪而过的念头He never gives his appearance more than a passing thought. 他几乎从不考虑自己的外表。a sobering thought (=one that makes you feel serious) 发人深省的想法We have the power to destroy the world, which is a sobering thought. 我们能毁掉世界,这一想法令人警醒。nhorrible/disturbingA horrible thought struck her: could he be having an affair?a comforting thought 令人舒心的想法n‘People might not have noticed we’re late.’ ‘That’s a comforting thought.’a sudden thought 突然产生的想法nA sudden thought struck her and she began to laugh.phrasesthe very thought (=even the idea of doing something) 想到〔做某事〕The very thought of going on stage made her feel ill. 一想到要上台她就感觉不舒服。Examples from the Corpusthought• I've just had a thought - it might be quicker to go by bus.• "That's not a very good time of year to travel." "Perhaps not. It was just a thought."• Michael never gave any thought to others.• If you have any thoughts on the matter, let me know.• ancient Greek thought• News of the crash dominated his thoughts.• Others are chipping in thoughts about the overall themes he should hit.• That's an interesting thought. Let's discuss it at the meeting.• Writing a good essay requires a lot of thought and effort.• It cancels out thought, and in consequence, any possibility of examining the root selfishness.• And the thought was a terror in her mind.• Their security of tenure is deemed essential for fruitful and unremitting thought.• I'd like you to begin by writing down your thoughts about the play.• Let your thoughts glow from within.The thought that• Am I alone in feeling threatened at the thought that audit is supervised by direct employees of the family health services authority?• I lacked the thoughts that precede speech.• It's very frightening, this - the thought that people actually know what's going on in your mind.• Across the country, anxious United Nations workers awoke to the thought that the long-awaited Khmer Rouge offensive had started.• It was the uncertainty, the thought that all my happiness could be smashed in the blink of an eye.• That was the thought that troubled him above all else, more than his many other cares.• Probably Susan consoled herself with the thought that she brought at least one good thing home: her baby.• If so, they can always comfort themselves with the thought that its establishment coincided with the beginnings of imperial decline.thought processes• Think about your normal thought processes.• Foveal and peripheral awareness Our senses, and our thought processes too, function through centres of energy.• Might not some essential aspects of quantum theory also be playing crucial roles in the physics that underlies our thought processes?• It is a moot point whether hierarchies exist outside our own thought processes.• Many people insist that most of their political knowledge is based on their own rational thought processes.• I think it might aid the thought processes, old boy.• Just to motivate the thought processes, let me suggest a possible set of goals.• These studies help us to understand the thought processes of children.• I think you may have a fundamental flaw in your thought my thoughts• To tell him that he has been always in my thoughts.• And there he stood, staring down at me, as in my thoughts he had done a hundred times.• Not in things, not even in my thoughts.• She divorced me because of my unreliable behaviour and adultery, but wherever I go she is in my thoughts.• You have been much in my thoughts.• The silence I feigned does not mean you are not in my thoughts.• Music has been in my heart all the time, and poetry in my thoughts.• I was too wrapped up in my thoughts about where our lives were going.thought of doing something• And now I am left with the thought of that day.• For experienced researchers, there is no thought of proper length unless there are guidelines that specify an appropriate length.• Has she approached the whole challenge in a different way than you would ever have thought of?• He trembled at the thought of ghosts.• His watery eyes brightened at the thought of food.• She only had two days left, and the thought of nothing after that made her shiver with dread.• The thought of death made us entire.• We may still find our attention distracted by thoughts of home, family or whatever.Origin thought2 Old English thohtthought1thought2 noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  past and think1 tense participle Corpus the of past




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