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单词 thither
释义  thith·er /ˈðɪðə $ ˈθɪðər/ adverb old use  THEREin that direction 向那边,到那边Examples from the Corpusthither• Few among mortals could have long endured that unchanging brilliancy of light, but few had ever found their way thither.• Shouting, Ramsay flung himself thither.• Tell me, does the magnetic virtue of the needles of the compasses of all those ships attract them thither?• True, it would suit her very well just now to be darting hither and thither between Hertford and York.• Autumn is blown hither and thither by an ever-changing tempestuous wind.• I was led thither by the fiscal, who knows them well and is kind to them.• This led to the line being extended thither, the total length then being 380 versts.Origin thither Old English thiderthith·er adverbChineseSyllable  direction in that Corpus




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