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单词 thespian
释义  Related topics: Theatrethes·pi·an /ˈθespiən/ noun [countable]  formalAPT an actor – sometimes used humorously 演员〔有时为幽默用法〕 a distinguished thespian 知名的演员 —thespian adjectiveExamples from the Corpusthespian• He was, after all, a thespian.• We had total rapport, infant and thespian.• Sir Richard's own towering performance has also set an example to his thespian colleagues.• Murder wasn't a stage performance by the local thespians.• Mr Sylvester Stallone, the muscular thespian, is smitten once more.• Sister Aimee was a talented thespian as well as a legendarily eloquent preacher.• The only difficulty is that thespians are not, on the whole, accustomed to making up their own lines.• George attempted a nearly honest living as a part-time thespian, and also as a tutor to the children of wealthy clients.Origin thespian (1800-1900) Thespis 6th-century BC Greek writer of playsthes·pi·an nounChineseSyllable  sometimes used an Corpus – actor humorously




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