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单词 binary
释义  bi·na·ry /ˈbaɪnəri/ adjective  1. the binary system HMTDa system of counting, used in computers, in which only the numbers 0 and 1 are used 〔计算机运算系统〕二进制2  TWOconsisting of two parts 由两部分组成的;二元的;双重的 SYN double a binary star system 双星系Examples from the Corpusbinary• However, for normal fixed-point binary arithmetic, we wish to have a range of positive and negative values.• In binary chopping, a state is a pair of numbers.• We also welcome the abolition of the binary divide.• This is usually the case when fixed-point binary format is used to represent store addresses, for example.• However, we can not just do this directly, attempting to read the tape simply as a binary number.• The counter's outputs are binary numbers representing 16 equidistant, cyclically generated carrier phase angles.• This is known as a random binary search tree.From Longman Business Dictionarybinarybi‧na‧ry /ˈbaɪnəri/ adjective COMPUTING relating to the system of numbers used in computers, that uses only the numbers 0 and 1All information inside the computer is stored in binary code.the binary systemOrigin binary (1400-1500) Late Latin binarius, from Latin bini “two by two”bi·na·ry adjectiveChineseSyllable  in counting, system used Corpus a of Business computers,




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