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单词 therefore
释义  there·fore /ˈðeəfɔː $ ˈðerfɔːr/ ●●● S3 W1 adverb formal  RESULTas a result of something that has just been mentioned 因此,由此,所以 Their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable. 他们的车大些,所以更舒适些。 Progress so far has been very good. We are, therefore, confident that the work will be completed on time. 到目前为止进展十分顺利,所以我们有把握按时完成工作。n RegisterIn everyday English, people usually use so rather than therefore:It was late, so I didn’t stay long. THESAURUStherefore for this reason 因此She already had a lot of experience and therefore seemed the best candidate for the job. 她已经有了许多经验,因此似乎是这份工作的最佳人选。so therefore. So is less formal than therefore, and is more common in everyday English 因此〔没有therefore正式,日常英语中更常用〕They had not eaten all day, so they were very hungry. 他们一整天没吃饭,因此很饿。thus formal as a result of what you have just mentioned 因此The program is very simple and thus easy to run. 程序很简单,因此容易运行。hence formal for this reason 因此This material is highly poisonous, hence the importance of careful handling. 这种材料有剧毒,因此必须小心处理。as a result used when saying that because of a particular situation, something else happens or is true 结果Some people suffer from stress at work and become ill as a result. 一些人受工作压力的影响,最后病倒了。Economic growth slowed down as a result of inflation. 受通货膨胀的影响,经济增长放缓。consequently/as a consequence used when saying that because of a particular situation, something else happens or is true. Consequently and as a consequence are more formal than as a result 结果〔consequently和as a consequence比as a result正式〕The disease attacks the plant, the flower does not open, and consequently no seeds are produced. 这种病侵害植株,造成植株不能开花,从而不能结籽。nAs a consequence of global warming, our climate is already starting to change.this means that used when saying what the result of something is 这意味着If students arrive late, this means that lesson time is wasted. 如果有学生迟到,就会造成上课时间的浪费。for this reason used when explaining the reason for something 因此Spell check programs do not recognize when you have used the wrong word. For this reason, you must still read over your work carefully. 拼写检查程序无法识别用错的词。因此,还是需要仔细检查作业。Examples from the Corpustherefore• The building work is taking quite a long time, and therefore costing us money.• The exclusion is therefore highly technical.• It was clear Lucy was unhappy. Therefore, it comes as no surprise she has decided to resign.• You may therefore read the criteria and see if your answer matches them.• We therefore recommend the abolition of this rule.• Heads should therefore still be taking a key leadership role.• You might think, therefore, that feminists could dismiss it with relief as a non-issue.• Do check therefore that you use fabric that will not shrink.• Jewish weddings are both religious and civil. Therefore two official applications for marriage are necessary.Origin therefore (1100-1200) there + forthere·fore adverb →n REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus of has result that something a as




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