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单词 big wheel
释义  Related topics: Outdoorˌbig ˈwheel noun [countable] British English   DLOa machine used in amusement parks, consisting of a very large upright wheel with seats hanging from it, that turns round slowly 〔游乐场的〕大转轮,摩天轮 SYN ferris wheel →4  See picture of 见图 AMUSEMENT PARK →5 see picture at 见图 amusement parkExamples from the Corpusbig wheel• He was a big wheel in Bucharest Securitate, Mr Manescu.• A big wheel in local government.• The big wheel came round our way.• The big wheel had stopped with our chair rocking sweetly at the summit.ˌbig ˈwheel nounChineseSyllable  amusement a parks, a Corpus of machine used consisting in




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