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单词 westerly
释义 Word family  noun west western westerner westerly westernization adjective west westerly western westbound westernized westward verb westernize adverb west westward(s)  Related topics: Nature, Meteorologywest·er·ly1 /ˈwestəli $ -ərli/ adjective  1  DNtowards or in the west 向西的;西面的 We set off in a westerly direction. 我们出发往西去。2. HEMa westerly wind comes from the west 〔风〕从西边吹来的Examples from the Corpuswesterly• The storm is moving in a westerly direction.• He based his explanation on a movement away from the poles and a westerly drift of the land-masses.• Except in the most westerly provinces, the land was redeemed not by individual peasants but by the village commune.• A westerly return movement occurs between mid-October and December, but fewer birds are noticed.• The eternal westerly swell rolled lazily across our wake and wiped out the last trace of our intrusion.• The normal southerly or westerly wind of that season did not materialise.• The rain had become fog, which was presently replaced by scattered flurries and a hard westerly wind.• Prevailing westerly winds spread acid rain across the country, however.westerly2 noun (plural westerlies) [countable]  a wind that comes from the west 西风west·er·ly1 adjectivewesterly2 nounChineseSyllable   Corpus or towards west the in




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