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单词 unpaid
释义 Word family  noun pay payment repayment payer payee adjective paid ≠ unpaid underpaid ≠ overpaid payable verb pay repay underpay ≠ overpay  un·paid /ˌʌnˈpeɪd◂/ ●○○ adjective  1. OWEan unpaid bill or debt has not been paid 未支付的;未偿还的2  FREE/COST NOTHINGdone without receiving payment 不收报酬的;无偿的 unpaid work 无报酬的工作 unpaid leave 无薪休假Examples from the Corpusunpaid• The procedure cost five hundred dollars, which Amelia left unpaid.• Perry stayed on with the Agency as an unpaid adviser.• Last month they owed £500. This went unpaid and the arrears will total £1000 by December.• She left a number of unpaid bills when she went back home.• For example, juniors in the health-care program participate in a series of unpaid clinical rotations at one of 12 area hospitals.• The card holder is liable for any unpaid debts.• Nearly half of them have to rely on unpaid help from friends or family members.• Coburn works 20 to 25 unpaid hours a week for the organization.• Amir worked as an unpaid informant for the internal security service• an unpaid internship• The company allows its employees to take unpaid leave for various reasons.• Employees were often required to work unpaid overtime.• Varley was its unpaid pastor until 1882 and experimented with various means of evangelizing and meeting the social needs of the poor.• We have flextime and job sharing, paid and unpaid personal leave.• Will these families be more symmetrical as far as the allocation of unpaid work is concerned?un·paid adjectiveChineseSyllable  has unpaid paid not bill been or Corpus debt an




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