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单词 theatre
释义  Related topics: Theatre, Film, Hospital, Military, Buildingsldoce_333_fthea·tre British English, theater American English /ˈθɪətə $ -ər/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  building 建筑物 [countable]APT a building or place with a stage where plays and shows are performed 剧场,戏院 an open-air theatre (=a theatre that is outside) 露天剧场 the Mercury Theater 水星剧院 →5  See picture of 1 stage 舞台, 2 orchestra pit 乐池, 3 curtains 帷幕 ... →4  See picture on 见图 Page A13 Town 城镇2  plays 戏剧 [uncountable] a) APTplays as a form of entertainment 戏剧 I enjoy theater and swimming. 我喜欢看戏和游泳。the theatre He’s really interested in literature and the theatre. 他对文学和戏剧很感兴趣。 Yeats’ plays are great poetry but they are not good theatre (=good entertainment). 叶芝的剧作都是伟大的诗篇,但娱乐性不强。 b) APTthe work of acting in, writing, or organizing plays 戏剧事业,戏剧工作 classes in theater and music 戏剧和音乐班in the theatre She’s been working in the theatre over thirty years. 她从事戏剧工作已有三十余载。3  place to see a film 看电影的地方 [countable] American EnglishAMF a building where films are shown 电影院 SYN American English movie theater, British English cinema ‘Bambi’ was the first movie I ever saw in the theater. 《小鹿斑比》是我在电影院里看的第一部电影。4  hospital 医院 [countable, uncountable] British EnglishMH a special room in a hospital where medical operations are done 手术室 SYN American English operating roomin theatre Marilyn is still in theatre. 玛丽莲还在接受手术。5  war 战争 [countable] formalPM a large area where a war is being fought 战区;战场 the Pacific theater during World War II 第二次世界大战期间的太平洋战场n THESAURUSstage the raised area on which the actors, musicians etc performHe came on stage to rapturous applause.The band will appear live on stage for the first time in three years.the stalls British English, the orchestra American English the lower level of seatsHe had a seat in the stalls.We paid $100 for a seat in the orchestra.the circle British English, the balcony the higher level of seatsThey were sitting in the balcony.the orchestra pit the space below the stage where the musicians sitThe actress fell into the orchestra office the place in a theatre where you buy ticketsCollect your tickets at the box office.programme British English, program American English a small book that you buy when you go to the theatre that gives information about the play and the performersHis name is not in the programme.Do you want me to buy you a program?interval British English, intermission British English formal and American English a short period of time between the parts of a play or show when the audience can talk or have a drinkWe got a drink in the interval.Examples from the Corpustheatre• In the 1870s his career as a theatre architect started rapidly.• I've never been in a fire in a theatre before - thankfully they're almost unheard of.• It will probably be among the most wonderful experiences you've had in any theatre.• She does some TV work, but theatre remains her first love.• Many of NATO's nuclear weapons in the European theatre are obsolete.• the use of theatre in primary school education• Anyhow, I married her out of lust and a sort of snobbism for the theatre in general and pretty actresses in particular.• Those enthusiasms right now center on the theatre.• In theory the theatre can hold about 2,800 people, although new security measures limit this on most occasions to around 2,000.• The utopian theatre of 1917 Berlin and Vienna was still on the the theatre• Wonderful music, but in the theatre - well, I must say it is not to my taste.• A comparable tendency is to be found in the theatre.• By the early 1970s, partly preoccupied by family life, Tutin was seen far less in the theatre.• There is no trace of hunting music in the theatre score at this point or anywhere else.• You've wanted for a long time to conduct Le Sacre in the theatre?• Unsurprising, you might argue, given the chequered history of pop singers in the theatre.• The musical opens with her trial; in the theatre on the first night, she was in tears.• Do you enjoy working in the theatre?thea·tre noun →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  a place building or with a Corpus




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