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单词 telephone
释义  Related topics: Telephone, telegraphtel·e·phone1 /ˈteləfəʊn $ -foʊn/ ●●● S1 W2 noun  1  the telephone TCTTELEPHONEthe system of communication that you use to have a conversation with someone in another place 电话 SYN phoneby telephone Reservations can be made by telephone. 可以电话预订。on the telephone I’ve never met him, but I’ve spoken to him on the telephone. 我从来没见过他,但我和他通过电话。over the telephone I read the names out to him over the telephone. 我在电话里把名字读给他听。down the telephone British English He shouted at me down the telephone. 他在电话里对我大喊大叫。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say phone rather than telephone: 在日常英语中,人们一般说 phone,而不说telephoneShe’s been on the phone all evening. 她打了一整晚电话。 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A8 In the office 办公室里2  [countable]TCTTELEPHONE the piece of equipment that you use when you are talking to someone by telephone 电话机 SYN phone The telephone rang just as I was leaving. 我正要走,电话铃响了。 She picked up the telephone and dialled a number. 她拿起电话,拨了个号码。 I said goodbye and put down the telephone. 我说了声再见就放下了电话。3  be on the telephone a) TCTTELEPHONEto be talking to someone, using the telephone 正在打电话 I was on the telephone when he came in. 他进来时我正在打电话。 b) TCTto have a telephone in your home, office etc 〔家里、办公室里等〕有电话 COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2verbsa telephone rings 电话铃响The telephone rang, but Tom didn’t answer it. 电话铃响了,但汤姆没接。answer the telephone 接电话When I called the house, Mike answered the telephone. 我打电话到家里,迈克接的。talk on the telephone 打电话He was talking on the telephone when the doorbell rang. 门铃响时,他正在打电话。use the telephone 用电话May I use your telephone? 我可以用一下你的电话吗?pick up the telephone 拿起电话nAs soon as she got home, she picked up the telephone and dialled his number.put down the telephone 放下电话nBefore he could respond, she’d put down the somebody on the telephone 打电话给某人nHer son doesn’t even call her on the telephone.telephone + NOUNa telephone call 电话She got a telephone call from Joe last night. 昨晚她接到乔的电话。a telephone conversation 电话交谈We had a long telephone conversation. 我们在电话里谈了很长时间。a telephone line 电话线nThey didn’t even have a telephone line.COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘get/have a telephone from somebody’. Say get/have a telephone call from somebody. 不要说 ‘get/have a telephone from somebody’。 而要说 get/have a telephone call from somebody。Examples from the Corpustelephone• a telephone conversation• a cordless telephone• Recreation areas have telephones and pool tables.• White-bead chains that held dosimeters, radiation-sensing devices resembling large telephone pagers, were looped around their necks.• Is that my telephone ringing?• Others support the current regulated telephone system model.• The naval attaché's telephone in London was also intercepted.• And he's fond of Jean-Claude, he's always on the telephone ...• Fran hung up the telephone and looked out the window.• Members based outside of London used the telephone service or wrote to the library for answers to 1,465 queries about banking practice.• He said the campaign had identified Gramm supporters and worked the telephones to get them to the polls.put down the telephone• Melissa murmured some banal phrases of encouragement and put down the telephone with a feeling of desolation.• Ron had just put down the telephone.Related topics: Telephone, telegraphtelephone2 ●●○ verb [intransitive, transitive]  British English formalTCTTELEPHONE to talk to someone by telephone (给…)打电话 SYN phone, call Sammy telephoned to say that he would be late. 萨米打电话来说他要晚到。 I’ll telephone you later. 我过后给你打电话。► see thesaurus at phone→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpustelephone• For details of your nearest tourist office telephone 4127.• He would have to telephone around and see if anyone else had any titbits to add to the mystery.• About five o'clock, a woman telephoned Bernstein.• Write or telephone for more information.• He had tried to telephone his wife once, but without success: the line was engaged.• Advertisements are placed in the press, and potential purchasers are invited to telephone or fill in a coupon for further details.• At 4:45 a.m., neighbors telephoned police to report a man firing shots.• I telephoned Sophie and arranged to have dinner with her the following night.• Police take violators to a special detention center and telephone their homes.• Mr Dodd telephoned this morning.• He wanted me to telephone you at once and ask you to come to Danzig.From Longman Business Dictionarytelephonetel‧e‧phone1 /ˈteləfəʊn-foʊn/ noun [countable] a piece of equipment you use to talk to someone who is in another placeSYN phonetelephonetelephone2 verb [intransitive, transitive] to talk to someone by telephoneSYN call, phoneShe telephoned to say that he would be late.I’ll telephone you later.→ See Verb tableOrigin telephone1 (1800-1900) tele- + Greek phone “sound, voice”tel·e·phone1 noun →REGISTER1 →COLLOCATIONS1telephone2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  system the of to you that Business Corpus use communication




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