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单词 team spirit
释义  ˌteam ˈspirit noun [uncountable]  WILLINGwillingness to work as part of a team 团队精神Examples from the Corpusteam spirit• They argue that a balance must be struck between team spirit and individual rewards.• This obviated the problem of building team spirit or involvement among the area staff.• Workers' distress can be reduced by adequate and effective reward systems and attention to maintaining a cooperative team spirit.• These accomplishments, and their new-found team spirit, were celebrated with social play in the evening.• Good team spirit was built up during lunch before heading out to the second round.• This is not the first time that Rumsfeld's downbeat caution has contrasted sharply with Powell's greater internationalist team spirit.• The group selectionist argument is inherently appealing-we are immersed in the ethic of team spirit and charity.• No doubt the team spirit was enhanced.ˌteam ˈspirit nounChineseSyllable   Corpus work part a to as of willingness team




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