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单词 tea
释义  Related topics: Drink, Plants, Foodtea /tiː/ ●●● S1 W2 noun  1  drink/leaves 饮料/茶叶 a) DFD[countable, uncountable] a hot brown drink made by pouring boiling water onto the dried leaves from a particular Asian bush, or a cup of this drink 茶;一杯茶 Would you like a cup of tea or coffee? 你想来一杯茶还是咖啡? Do you take milk and sugar in your tea? 你的茶里面要放牛奶和糖吗? I’d like two teas and a piece of chocolate cake, please. 我想要两杯茶和一块巧克力蛋糕。 b) [uncountable]HBPDF dried, finely cut leaves that are used to make tea 茶叶 c) [uncountable] bushes whose leaves are used to make tea 〔植物〕茶,茶树 tea plantations 茶叶种植园2. mint/camomile etc tea DFDa hot drink made by pouring boiling water onto leaves or flowers, sometimes used as a medicine 薄荷茶/甘菊茶等〔用某些叶子或花泡的饮料,有时作药用〕3  meal 餐食 [countable, uncountable] British English a) DFMEALa small meal of cake or biscuits eaten in the afternoon with a cup of tea 下午茶,午后茶点 We serve lunch and afternoon tea. 我们提供午餐和下午茶。 We stopped for a cream tea on the way home (=tea and cream cakes). 回家的路上我们停下来喝了茶吃了奶油蛋糕。 b) MEALused in some parts of Britain to mean a large meal that is eaten early in the evening 〔英国某些地方傍晚时分吃的〕晚餐n We had baked beans on toast for tea. → high tea4. tea and sympathy British EnglishSYMPATHIZE kindness and attention that you give someone when they are upset 〔对不幸者的〕安慰和同情 → not be your cup of tea at cup1n COLLOCATIONSphrasesa cup/mug of teaWould you like a cup of tea?a pot of teaShall I make a pot of tea?adjectiveshotThe tea was too hot to drink.sweetI poured Helen a mug of sweet tea and waited for her to answer. strongYou've made the tea too strong.weakYou have your tea weak, don't you Chris?black (=without milk)I ordered black tea and toast.white (=with milk)Two white teas and a coffee, please.milky (=with a lot of milk)I don't like my tea so milky.verbsdrink teaSusan sank into her chair and drank her tea.pour teaShe poured the tea and handed a cup to Cara.Examples from the Corpustea• What's for tea?• Now go and nick something for tea.• The children came home from school, had tea and did their homework.• When he had finished his tea, he slowly climbed the staircase.• How about a cup of tea?• And now for a cup of tea, she thought, stepping out to wind a large bath towel around her nakedness.• She was given no food, just a cup of tea and water.• During the day I drink only mineral water, fresh fruit juice, coffee or tea.• He only sat down after Ellie served the tea.• We mixed the henna powder with tea, as directed.cream tea• Here we indulged in a cream tea, no calorie counting at all!• After this highlight we cycled on roads back to base and to a cream tea in Dorchester.• The licensed Barn Restaurant is open for delicious home-cooked cakes, coffee, lunches and cream teas.• They competed to see who could eat most in the hotel restaurant and gorged themselves on Cornish cream teas.• Devon - Devonshire cream, cream teas, cider.• Lunches, cream teas, special dinners in gardens or unique Winery Restaurant.• Take cream tea on the lawn and the owner, Julian Peck, will serve you himself.• An intermission was filled with several games of bingo and the day was rounded off with cream tea.Origin tea (1600-1700) Chinese tetea noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  by Corpus pouring made a drink brown hot




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