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单词 taxonomy
释义  Related topics: Biologytax·on·o·my /tækˈsɒnəmi $ -ˈsɑː-/ noun (plural taxonomies) [countable, uncountable]  HBthe process or a system of organizing things into different groups that show their natural relationships, especially plants or animals 〔动植物等的〕分类学 —taxonomist noun [countable]Examples from the Corpustaxonomy• The choice of a taxonomy depends upon the interests of the political analyst.• Another taxonomy for political systems is based on the system of political parties.• Gaston and Mound are right that in taxonomy, as in science in general, the drive comes from individuals.• No taxonomy is used in all political analyses, because each taxonomy emphasizes different aspects of the political world.• The taxonomy of this family would then not have any branches.• Let us consider this taxonomy of Mr Humphries' weekend companions.• Using this taxonomy of barriers, estimates of the benefits of removing them were made.• To taxonomy, though, their essence lies in years to come.Origin taxonomy (1800-1900) French taxonomie, from Greek taxis “arrangement” + French -nomie (from Latin -nomia, from Greek, from nemein “to share out”)tax·on·o·my nounChineseSyllable  process or different Corpus of groups the a things organizing system into




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