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单词 tardy
释义  tar·dy /ˈtɑːdi $ ˈtɑːrdi/ adjective formal  1  LATEarriving or done late 迟的,晚了的 Do please forgive this tardy reply. 迟复为歉,敬请原谅。 He’s been tardy three times this semester. 这学期他已经迟到三次了。► see thesaurus at late2  SLOWdoing something too slowly or late 行动缓慢的;拖沓的tardy in people who are tardy in paying their bills 付账单拖拉的人 —tardily adverb —tardiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpustardy• It's an excrescence, a monstrosity, some tardy addition to the agenda.• The tardy appearance of the tapes provided the opportunity for Sen.• Yorkshire may have been slightly tardy in not monitoring his schoolboy progress.• This makes the car feel tardy in quick manoeuvres and exacerbates the variable-ratio's less-than-linear response through fast sweepers.• He was never tardy or absent the whole semester.• Talking out, skipping class, being tardy or disrespectful are no more acceptable for work-inhibited students than for any others.• The Jesuits soon boasted a chapel and a lot, while the tardy Protestants waited eight years to build their own church.• Do please forgive this very tardy reply.• We apologize for our tardy response to your letter.Origin tardy (1500-1600) tardif “tardy” ((15-16 centuries)), from Old French, from Vulgar Latin tardivus, from Latin tardus “late”tar·dy adjectiveChineseSyllable  or arriving late Corpus done




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