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单词 sustenance
释义 Word family  noun sustenance sustainability adjective sustainable ≠ unsustainable verb sustain  Related topics: Food, Nutritionsus·te·nance /ˈsʌstənəns/ AWL noun [uncountable] formal  1  DFDFNfood that people or animals need in order to live 食物;营养 Without sustenance, the animals will soon die. 没有食物,动物很快就会死亡。 Potatoes were their only means of sustenance. 马铃薯是他们唯一的食物。2  CONTINUE/NOT STOPwhen something is made to continue 保持;维持;支持 Elections are necessary for the sustenance of democracy. 选举是维持民主制度所必需的。Examples from the Corpussustenance• But the kitchen was empty save for Boris, and there were no signs of any sustenance at all.• Many cultures bias their legacies, parental care, sustenance, and favoritism toward sons at the expense of daughters.• They have a well of real belief from which to draw sustenance when times are tough.• We need sustenance and a viable habitat, but we also need social cohesion and connection of all sorts.• The buffalo was the Plains Indians' main source of sustenance.• Each had an individual story that complemented the other, creating ecological beauty and providing spiritual as well as physical sustenance.• What we lacked in physical sustenance, we made up for in spirit.• That remains devoted to status, sustenance of our image, and acceptance as the great reward for all our efforts!Origin sustenance (1200-1300) Old French sustenir; → SUSTAINsus·te·nance nounChineseSyllable  that people or Corpus in food need animals




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