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单词 suspense
释义  sus·pense /səˈspens/ noun [uncountable]  EXCITEDa feeling of excitement or anxiety when you do not know what will happen next 悬念;挂虑;挂心 → tensionin suspense They kept us in suspense for over two hours. 他们让我们提心吊胆了两个多小时。 Come on then, tell me what happened; the suspense is killing me (=I feel very excited or anxious because I do not know what will happen next). 快来,告诉我发生了什么事。急死我了。 She couldn’t bear the suspense a moment longer. 这样提心吊胆,她再也受不了了。suspense novel/story/movie etc (=one which is exciting because you do not know what will happen next) 悬疑小说/故事/电影等Examples from the Corpussuspense• A story of love and suspense set in the South Seas.• It is a classic story of love and suspense.• At least it would end the awful suspense.• After 2 days' paddling and considerable suspense at last we reached the three corner point with Czechoslovakia/Hungary.• The play is constructed in such a way as to keep the audience in suspense until the very end.• Sovereignty is never held in suspense.• It is the suspense novel, a type more easily recognised than defined.• The suspense is cut through when he walks out on them.• The country was tense with suspense.suspense novel/story/movie etc• Hot or not: Good cast, good creative team; a suspense story about political corruption always seems to be topical.• If this notion suits you temperamentally, then try producing this sort of suspense novel.• Similarly, Mary Stewart produces suspense stories with equally strong mystery and romance plotlines.• Compare the romantic suspense novels of Mary Stewart with the international espionage tales of Ian Fleming.• Romantic suspense novels are escape novels.• It is the suspense novel, a type more easily recognised than defined.Origin suspense (1400-1500) Old French suspendre; → SUSPENDsus·pense nounChineseSyllable  or of Corpus do you when feeling a anxiety excitement




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