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单词 surround
释义 Word family  noun surroundings surround adjective surrounding verb surround  sur·round1 /səˈraʊnd/ ●●● W2 verb [transitive]  1  AROUND/ROUNDto be all around someone or something on every side 环绕,围绕be surrounded by something The field was surrounded by trees. 田边树木环绕。 He glared at the people who surrounded the tent. 他怒视着围住帐篷的那些人。n Grammar Surround is often passive in this meaning.2  be surrounded by somebody/something AROUND/ROUNDto have a lot of a particular type of people or things near you 被某类人/某事物围住 He’s always been surrounded by people who adore him. 他时时刻刻被崇拜者包围。3  AROUND/ROUNDif police or soldiers surround a place, they arrange themselves in positions all the way around it 包围,围困 〔某处〕 Armed police surrounded a house in the High Street. 武装警察包围了大街上的一栋房子。4  CONNECTED WITHto be closely related to a situation or event 与〔某情况或事件〕密切相关 Some of the issues surrounding alcohol abuse are very complex. 有关酗酒的一些问题十分复杂。 Silence and secrecy surround the murder. 沉默和神秘围绕着这桩谋杀案。5  surround yourself with somebody/something AROUND/ROUNDto choose to have certain people or things near you all the time 和某人/某事物在一起,与某人/某事物为伍 The designer surrounded himself with exquisite objects. 这位设计师在自己身边摆满了精美的物品。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussurround• Hopis perform their Snake Dance surrounded by Anglos armed with tripods, in 1897.• She sat in an armchair, surrounded by her 12 cats.• This is a city which lives for today while surrounded by its past.• Le Sport is surrounded by tropical gardens on a secluded bay of golden sand.• We've got the place surrounded. Come out with your hands up.• Police officers moved to surround Evans as he came out of the courtroom.• This new instrument found the first direct evidence of solid matter surrounding stars other than our Sun.• The controversy surrounding the film was doubtless a contributory factor to Hollywood's subsequent avoidance of the subject.• A great deal of controversy has surrounded the new drug.• Football fans ran onto the field and surrounded the referee.• Mountains surround the village on three surrounded by something• He is surrounded by an electronic keyboard, a rack of music equipment, a recording microphone and a personal computer.• Groups of Federals are surrounded by ConfederatesConfederates surrounded by Federals.• For at school, the young man would be surrounded by men much like him-self.• The Volvo, whose windows wind down to reveal plush red curtains, is surrounded by stepladders.• The burial place was surrounded by the crypt and above it, in the church, was the high altar.• They claimed that when they were surrounded by the gang they acted in self defence.• But the brain is surrounded by the skull, and all that escaped blood takes up space, squeezing the brain.• Le Sport is surrounded by tropical gardens on a secluded bay of golden sand.surround2 noun [countable]  AVEDGEan area around the edge of something, especially one that is decorated or made of a different material 围饰,缘饰 a solid mahogany fire surround 结实的红木壁炉边饰Examples from the Corpussurround• We think the inhibition is part of an inhibitory surround that helps focus neural activity in the dominant hemisphere.• The graceful brass plated trimmings and finials are complemented here by the solid pine Osborne surround.• Like the skin comparison neurons in the spinal cord, the center may be excitatory and the surround inhibitory.Origin surround1 (1400-1500) Old French suronder “to overflow, flood”, from Late Latin superundare, from Latin unda “wave”sur·round1 verb →n GRAMMAR1surround2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  be on side all every to Corpus around or something someone




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