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单词 suitable
释义  suit·a·ble /ˈsuːtəbəl, ˈsjuː- $ ˈsuː-/ ●●● S3 W2 adjective  SUITABLEhaving the right qualities for a particular person, purpose, or situation 合适的,适合的,适宜的 OPP unsuitable We are hoping to find a suitable school. 我们希望能找到一所合适的学校。suitable for somebody/something The house is not really suitable for a large family. 这所房子并不适合大家庭居住。suitable place/time etc to do something a suitable place to rear young children 适合养育幼儿的地方suitable to use/be shown etc These crayons are not suitable to use in very hot weather. 这些彩色蜡笔不适合在非常炎热的天气使用。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say that someone or something is the right person or thing for them, instead of using suitable: 在日常英语中,人们表达某人或某物适合某人时,通常说 the right person/thing ,而不用 suitableWe think this is the right school for our child. 我们认为这所学校很适合我们的孩子。n COLLOCATIONSadverbsvery/highly suitable (also eminently suitable formal)This exercise is very suitable for back pain sufferers.particularly/especially suitableThe resort is particularly suitable for families.equally suitableI wanted a shoe that was equally suitable for both racing and training.perfectly suitable (=completely suitable)The programme is perfectly suitable for children of all ages. THESAURUSsuitable having the right qualities for a particular purpose or person 适合的,适宜的a suitable place for a picnic 一个适合野餐的地方They don’t consider him a suitable husband for their daughter. 他们认为他不适合做他们女儿的丈夫。right completely suitable in every way 完全适合的,恰当的It’s a nice house, but it isn’t right for us. 这房子很好,但不适合我们。We’ll tell her when the time is right. 我们会在恰当的时候告诉她。appropriate suitable for a particular purpose. Appropriate is more formal than suitable 适合的,恰当的〔appropriate 比 suitable 正式〕She filled out all the appropriate forms. 她把所有适用的表格都填好了。It may not be an appropriate time to ask him about it. 现在问他这件事恐怕时间不合适。nIt’s not appropriate to wear a short skirt for an interview.nthe appropriate way to end a business letterproper the proper tool, piece of equipment, or way of doing something is the one that most people think is most suitable 〔工具、设备、方法等〕正确的,适当的You can’t change a wheel without the proper tools. 没有合适的工具没法换轮胎。the proper procedure for hiring staff 聘用员工的正确程序suited to something if someone is suited to something, he or she has the right qualities to do it 适合做某事He’d be well suited to the job. 他能胜任这个工作。Examples from the Corpussuitable• The house would be suitable for a large family.• As a result, it will be suitable for both longitudinal or transverse settings, and can sit low in a chassis.• The property is centrally located and eminently suitable for our purposes.• The treated organic phase is generally suitable for re-use as a fuel oil.• It is not exacting with regard to temperature and is suitable for tropical as well as cold-water aquariums.• Plants of this type are suitable for use in an aquarium.• I still haven't found a suitable job.• She has formed a fantasy that he will be what no one she now knows approaches-a suitable match for herself.• You should find suitable non-sexist alternatives for them.• You must wear something suitable - preferably black.• The latter have a scope suitable to the question in hand.• Applicants for the position must have suitable work experience.suitable for somebody/something• The show is not suitable for young children.suit·a·ble adjective →REGISTER1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  purpose, or the a right Corpus situation person, having particular qualities for




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