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单词 suck
释义  Related topics: Humansuck1 /sʌk/ ●●○ S3 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]DRINK to take air, liquid etc into your mouth by making your lips form a small hole and using the muscles of your mouth to pull it in 吸,吮,啜suck something in Michael put the cigarette to his lips and sucked in the smoke. 迈克尔把香烟放到唇边吸了一口。suck at a baby sucking at its mother’s breast 一个在吸吮母乳的婴儿suck something up Jennie sucked up the last bit of milk shake with her straw. 詹妮用吸管喝完最后一点奶昔。 →4  See picture of 见图 DRINK 12  HBH[intransitive, transitive] to hold something in your mouth and pull on it with your tongue and lips 含在嘴里吮,咂 Don’t suck your thumb, dear. 不要吮大拇指,宝贝。suck on a picture of Lara sucking on a lollipop 拉拉吸吮棒棒糖的照片3  PULL[transitive] to pull someone or something with great power and force into or out of a particular place 〔以强大的力量〕抽,吸;吞没,把…卷入suck something into something A bird was sucked into one of the jet’s engines. 有只鸟被吸进喷气式飞机的一个引擎里。suck somebody/something under/down The river sucked him under. 河水吞没了他。suck something out of/from something The fluid was sucked from his lungs. 他肺里的积水被抽出来。4  something sucks spoken not politeBAD used when you dislike something very much or think something is very bad 某事物真差劲,某事物糟透了If you ask me, the whole thing sucks. 要我说的话,整件事糟透了。5. suck it and see British English informal to use something or do something for a short time, to find out if it works, if you like it etc 试试看6 be sucked in (also be sucked into something) phrasal verb to become involved in a situation, especially a bad situation, when you do not want to 卷入某事〔尤指坏事〕 The US has no intention of getting sucked into another war in Europe. 美国无意卷入欧洲的又一场战争。7 suck up phrasal verb informal a) FRIENDLYto say or do a lot of nice things in order to make someone like you or to get what you want – used to show disapproval 奉承,巴结,拍马屁 〔含贬义〕 to He’s always sucking up to the boss. 他老是拍老板的马屁。nb) suck it up American English to accept an unpleasant situation without complaining→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussuck• Let's not go there -- the food sucks.• The eighth time the hand enters the mouth, the thumb alone is retained and sucking continues.• She's got long fair hair and a little white face and she sucks her thumb a lot.• He's eight years old and he still sucks his thumb.• Our reporters uncovered a generation who have been sucked into a dark underworld of solvent abuse and hard drugs.• This toxic recycling has sucked the life out of political debate.suck at• The baby sucked at his mother's breast.• Diane sucks at tennis.suck on• Molly was sitting on the couch sucking on a candy cane.suck something out of/from something• This toxic recycling has sucked the life out of political debate.• But the world was almost sucking her out of social work; she would move on.• The 11-11 mark over the past two years has sorta sucked the life out of Wildcat fans.suck2 noun [countable usually singular]  1.DRINKan act of sucking 吸,吮,啜Origin suck1 Old English sucansuck1 verbsuck2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese   air, your by etc Corpus take mouth to into liquid




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