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单词 subjective
释义  Related topics: Grammarsub·jec·tive /səbˈdʒektɪv/ ●○○ adjective  1  OPINIONa statement, report, attitude etc that is subjective is influenced by personal opinion and can therefore be unfair 主观的 OPP objective As a critic, he is far too subjective. 作为评论家,他过于主观。 a highly subjective point of view 相当主观的看法subjective judgment/opinion etc The ratings were based on the subjective judgement of one person. 这些等级是基于个人的主观判断而定的。2  [no comparative]IMAGINE existing only in your mind or imagination 主观想象的,只存在于想象之中的 OPP objective our subjective perception of colours 我们对色彩的主观感知3. technicalSLG relating to the subject in grammar 〔语法中〕主语的 —subjectively adverb His work was judged objectively as well as subjectively. 对他的作品有主观的评判,也有客观的评判。 —subjectivity /ˌsʌbdʒekˈtɪvəti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpussubjective• A person's perception of stress is often very subjective.• Martin Scorsese is a very subjective artist, if not one with much sense of perspective.• Beyond this, however, many of the claims were supported by anecdotal and subjective impressions only.• The test is a subjective one.• Hiring new employees can be very much a subjective process.• Once again there is no hint of an overall inverted-U relationship or indeed any overall relationship between subjective risk and recognition sensitivity.• These interpretations, however, are based on the assumption that there were no effects of subjective risk in Study 2.• One of the questions most central to this research was whether drivers can generally report fluctuating levels of subjective risk.• The subjective theory, for example, when put to work on causation by a proponent, renders causation subjective.• It is the subjective voice, the primary experience of hunger.highly subjective• Data on the market value of autos and houses can be highly subjective.• Evaluative core beliefs, however, are often highly subjective.• In the final analysis a judgement on the political stability of most countries must be highly subjective.• To start the Christmas debate, the following are highly subjective and totally personal suggestions.• Reactions can therefore be highly subjective and we may find ourselves disagreeing strongly with what the artist is saying.• However, this is a highly subjective area in which the rules themselves can only be guiding principles.• Each year, a decision is taken, often on a highly subjective basis, on our continuing worth.• Secondly, many of the symptoms produced are highly subjective - headache, confusion or nausea, for example.sub·jec·tive adjectiveChineseSyllable  by etc a Corpus is is attitude statement, subjective report, influenced that




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