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单词 stylist
释义 Word family  noun style styling stylishness stylist stylistics stylization adjective stylish stylistic stylized verb style adverb stylishly stylistically  Related topics: Occupations, Hair & beauty, Literaturestyl·ist /ˈstaɪlɪst/ noun [countable]  1  BODCBsomeone who cuts or arranges people’s hair as their job 发型师 Renee was the top stylist at the salon. 勒妮是这家美发厅最好的发型师。2. ALsomeone who has carefully developed a good style of writing 文体家,追求优美写作风格的人3  someone who has their own typical way of singing or playing music 〔唱歌或演奏音乐〕具有独特风格者,自成流派者 Billie Holiday, one of jazz’s most distinctive stylists 比利·霍利戴,爵士乐界最具独特风格的歌手之一Examples from the Corpusstylist• Individually, each was a stylist with a voice and approach so distinctive they could never be mistaken for anyone else.• You provide the potential, they provide a professional make-up artist, stylist and photographer.• Hairdressing for the show was carried out by stylists from Charles Kivlin, and Clarins from Jenners provided the make-up expertise.• His wife, Darlene, was a fashion stylist and coordinator.• Walton is convincingly engrossing, and an elegant and forceful stylist.• But what do the top stylists think about each other?styl·ist nounChineseSyllable  hair arranges who Corpus someone people’s as cuts or




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